Doing this for me. Please no judgement.


Full Member
Hi All, started my journey 10th Jan. Was terrified of getting on the scales.

Low and behold, my fears became true and more. I had a massive shock. Actually disgusted in myself. Something needed to be done.

So, in I walk, sat down with the rest of the newbies. Embarassed to Hell, because I would be happy at their weight.

I have always been a big girl. My family are a big family. But this is ridiculous.

I don't even like looking in a mirror, I avoid them at all costs. It was getting me down. Didn't want to do anything or go anywhere. Mentally, I was at breaking point. Even though i'm in a loving relationship, I was starting to doubt that he loved me anymore due to my weight. I feel like like i'm not enough anymore. He still tells me he loves me every day. I can feel myself starting to doubt him.

I ashamed to say, Yes, I let myself get huge. Bigger than huge. I weighed 34 stone 11 pound.

Something NEEDED to be done. I weighed myself last year about march. I was only 26 stone then. So in the space of 9 months, I have gained an extra human in weight.

Weighed in 17/01/19 - 34 st 2 ½ lbs - 8.5lb loss. Got my half stone award. Woop. Didn't think I had lost anything because I didn't feel any different.

2nd Weigh in last night. Slightly disappointed in myself. So in two weeks I have lost 10lbs.

I am aiming to be 30 stone by May as I have a wedding to attend. (Is this even achievable?)

I CAN do this. No more negative nelly thinking. Need to start being more positive.
Dear Fruitloops, you have been very brave in going to group and posting here, well done. Wishing you all the best on your journey and that you find some special people to support you on your way.

I know those thoughts...

For me it was mirrors avoided. Clothes for me were irrelevant on style, just what fits comfortably. Every thing I did, whether it be walking around the park or at the shop I felt like everyone was focused on me and mocking me. Snide comments from people I know to my face didn't help that! Even with all that none of that pushed me to start slimming world, not even when I was in the biggest clothes jacamo sold and was close to having to get custom made clothing made, it was the death of a relative who had said before he died he wanted me to lose weight...

None of that crap on here! No judging, just support.

Thank you Sammy. I thought if people on here are kept updated then I'll have to stick to it. I will anyway as I need to do something.

This is what has helped keep me going. Just keeping track on here, sharing what's going on, the odd message of support and all the advice.

2nd Weigh in last night. Slightly disappointed in myself. So in two weeks I have lost 10lbs.

Don't be disappointed with losses! Whether it's 1.5lbs or 5lbs it's a loss.

30st by May is achievable but you'll need to be 100% on plan and even then it won't be guaranteed as some foods work for some and not for others. My first couple of month were very trial and error for trying foods out and working out what suits me on this diet.

Good luck and keep us updated!
Hello, its been 3 days since i went through my first meeting, the biggest in my group and terrified of getting on the scales, i also hope by putting it out here somewhere i have to stick to it. A fantastic loss so far, the one thing i learnt and hope i can apply to myself is to not look at the weekly loss but the monthly and look at average. Im absolutely pooping myself about failing but praying i succeed, good luck to you on your journey :)
Hi Bert, Yes. I am exactly the same. I avoid all mirrors, I don't even really have any photos as I dodge those aswell.

For me it was the death of a loved one that made me comfort eat when I was 14/15. It is now, that I have finally realised that I need to do this for me as I cant keep living like this. She wouldn't want me to be living like this. It was really difficult at the time, I wont go into why as it still hurts.

I need all the support I can get on here to be honest, as my mum is no help. I have managed to get my OH and sister on board. But my mum is stubborn as they come.

I was only disappointed as I stuck it and hardly had any of the syns I am 'allowed' each day. But I agree a loss is still a loss and it coming off. Slow and steady wins the race!! I have set my self a challenge to drink at least 3ltrs of water every day, as I have been that this can help. So I went to home bargains yesterday and bought one of 'those' fitness bottles, that holds 1ltr.

Ladybadger, don't be scared. You obviously want to do something about it or you wouldn't have joined and you should be proud of that!! Just stick to plan and it will start to come off. As Bert said, a loss is a loss. No matter how big or small. Good luck, we can do this. I'm here if you ever want to just chat. Good luck to us both on our journeys :) But just remember, if at first you don't succeed, try again.
Welcome to this site. Everyone is very supportive and helpful.
As others have said the most important thing is that you are losing no matter how much. Your losses might be small but please stick with it and you will be surprised by the results.
I would advise to use your full allowance of syns. You can start cutting down on them when you reach a plateau.
All the best.
3rd weigh in last Thursday - 2.5lb - total loss - 12.5lb in 3 weeks.

Next weigh in tomorrow. I'm thinking at least a maintain, but maybe a gain. As I've been really ill so just been shovelling in my gob whatever is easiest. I wont let it dishearten me though. As I've been ill. Cant help that. I know how crap I've been feeling. I'm just going to start again Friday morning. My class is 6.30-8.00pm so will be going to bed pretty much when I get in.
4th weigh in yesterday - 2.5lb loss - Total loss 1st 1lb in 4 weeks.

Honestly don't know how, as I had Chinese on Friday - chicken fried rice and mushrooms with onions, peppers and sliced carrots in. then on Saturday I had 2 sausage rolls a bag of mccoys grab bag, a dairylea dunker. sunday I was really busy so just had a prepacked sandwich from McColls, a grab bag of mccoys and a slice of chocolate cheesecake from morrisons. literally shovelling food in as been ill so not felt up to cooking.
Thank you Ravenous. Yeah. So expecting a gain next week, even though stuffed my face apart from what mentioned, not really eaten anything bad. as mainly been free food, like crab sticks. but just couldn't be bother cooking a proper meal.
Thank you Ravenous. Yeah. So expecting a gain next week, even though stuffed my face apart from what mentioned, not really eaten anything bad. as mainly been free food, like crab sticks. but just couldn't be bother cooking a proper meal.
I know the feeling about not being bothered to cook only too well. However, I try to do batch cooking so I always have something ready in the freezer to use or go for simple options like omelette, jacket potato, salads & soups. Also I drink a lot of herbal tea - not easy to drink water when it is cold. I don't have artificial sweetner as I get a bad headache. My downfall is bread but I am just allowing myself a slice a day.
You cannot go wrong sticking to free food. On this plan the more free food you eat the more you lose as you are forcing your body to work hard and burn the energy.
Hey Fruitloops, how you been finding the plan? I just tried overnight oats for the first time as a rarely use my heB.. have you tried any new meals or foods? Everyone raves about spinach but it just looks unappealing to me. :)
1 stone 1.5 lbs off since 11th Jan. Had 2 gains as had an unexpected house moved and a new job so not stuck to plan. Overnight oats are my absolute fave. I make them with cranberry and raspberry Muller light, heb allowance of porridge oats, and 80g mixed berry medley frozen fruit from asda. How are you getting on?
Ah well done, i had a slow start and missed last week and weighed at home 3.5lb gain according to my scales but then this week over the two weeks since i went to group i had a 6.5lb loss so not sure, had 2 cheeky take aways and a cake on a meal out, been trying some new meals and this veggie filled rice dish is my new fav, slowly cutting portion size and trying to walk a bit more. Hope to get my 1.5stone loss next week :) i found 40g of oats way too much as i added alot of fruit in the morning (i like fruit to have bite to it) so tomorrow i will just have half and see how that goes. Also allows me a cheeky hifi bar if i feel like it! X


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Hi, I do intermittently. As not many people these days actually use this site. I have a few medical problems that are slowing me down. But in a week less than 12 months I have lost 1 stone 13lb. Things are getting sorted now. So hoping it will start to come off quicker.