Doing Weigh Watchers from home?!

Don't worry about me and a hangover - I very rarely drink.
It'll be squash I'm on. Although I'll have to point it as I highly doubt pubs do no added sugar squash.
Zumba session is the last exercise session for the week. After that I'm resting until Monday.

Yes... Emmerdale does sound very boring :p haha.
Lay in sounds brill though. Sunday is definitely a day for chilling.

Hope you enjoy your child free weekend =D
Mmmm. Just had 4 Bernard Matthews Turkey Jetters as part of my lunch. Only 7pp for the 4. Brilliant value I thought.
Everyone's gone quiet how's everyone doing? Weighed in this week and put on 1lb was expected as went to the races on Saturday and into town after so lots of vodkas and a sneaky chicken burger and chips at the end of the night. Felt a little bit hungover Sunday so ate unhealthy things most of the day. Had a nice weekend so can't complain!

Doing the local elections all day tomorrow. It's a long day 6.30am til 10pm so had to buy some sugary snacks to keep my energy levels up so will hopefully be back on track 100% on Friday x
I'm good thanks Sweet... how are you?
1lb gain is good considering you enjoyed your weekend.
Yeah... I was thinking it was a little quiet, but I don't weigh in til tomorrow, so didn't really have anything to say.
Although I should just mention that I got my measurements done at the gym this morning, I've lost 2cm on my bust, hips, thigh and arm an 8cm(!!!) from my waist.
Weigh in tomorrow, so we'll see how I get on. Only 1lb needed to get my half a stone at meeting, and 3lb for my 5%. Be nice if I could hit both tomorrow, but hopefully at least my half stone =)
Hi ladies sorry i havent been arpund in so long i started this thread n disappeared lol!!! I have lost 31 lb now im so happy but haf the worst food week i ave had 3 big bottles of wkd whichb i normally nrber drink so a gain is on the cards tonight eeeeekkkk xxx
31lbs?! That's brilliant!
I can't wait to be able to say I've lost 31lbs as I'll be just a few pounds away from my target.
And I'll actually be in a healthy BMI range.

Another 2lbs off today.
It's going in the right direction.
Since joining the gym, I've lost a total of 10lbs, but only 8 register at WW.
I did get my first silver 7 today though.
Oh, and also, they've got new caramel mint candies at the meeting - just £1.50 for 2 boxes (with around 14/15 sweets in each) and they are absolutely delish.

One more thing - I would highly advise, if you haven't got one already, to buy the Deluxe Starter Kit from the WW online shop.
It's usually £24.95, but it currently has 25% off and is now just £18.70.
Which is a bargain and it contains a pedometer worth £16.95 on it's own.
It also has the Shop & Eating Out books, as well as a journal for recording 12 weeks worth of food & activity, a "real life survival guide" with advice for those times when you need extra support, Move More, Sit Less book, ideas to become more active, a bookmark and £15 money-saving vouchers.
So a real bargain.
I'm going to order one tomorrow (they're stil £24.95 at meeting)
Hi elfy well done on your loss of lbs and cms keep it up your doing well!

Hi sammie well done on your loss too! How's your wedding plans coming along?
yey - this thread has made it to the top of the ww page as a "sticky" well done sammianne!

ive not been on for about 5 days, felt really down and felt like ww was taking over my life, so had a good munch of cr*p and i mean, a GOOD blow out, you name it, i had it. kept away from the board and got weighed this morning LOST 1/4lb, i know its not a lot, but its a loss and after the amount of stuff ive eaten, im so pleased!! AND GET THIS - Im in the 9st bracket, hehehe, only by the 1/4lb loss but im still in it. YEY.

feeling loads better, think its PMT that gets me like it, i hate it (esp cos the whole reason for satrting losing weight was trying for a baby, so i hate pmt even more!!!)

sorry for the waffle. hope we're all good ladies. xxxxxxxxxxxx its the weekend, again, where is the time going!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice to see you back. Are you feeling better now and focused? At least you still lost weight that's great! We all need a good blow out from time to time nothing wrong with that x
thanks hunny, yes, i feel tonnes better, i push n push n push to give so much (not just with the diet, but with everything,) then i cave/drop/collapse after a while. so its nice to be back up :)

thank you xx
Glad you're doing better bessie.

I worry I'm going to burn out if I go to the gym too much. I've been 5 times this week, done 3 classes (with a fourth tomorrow) and an hour bike ride, and my knees are feeling it.
So I'm considering dropping it to 4 gym sessions then my classes so I don't overdo. Otherwise I'll be in the same position - I'll just feel crap and then eat crap and I'll be back where I started.

I'm struggling to use up my final points atm.
I'm obsessed with toasting Kingsmill's Oatylicious loaf, spreading 1 extra light laughing cow triangle on it, with 1pp's worth of whichever meat's in the fridge (I've currently been having smoked ham and can have up to 50g for 1pp) and sticking some lettuce on it.
I work it out as just 6pp (I count ALL breads 2pp for 1 slice, 5pp for 2 - I don't care if different breads have different values, I can't be dealing with working out every brand so that's how I see it. If it's more - my weeklies will cover it, if it's less, then I've overpointed and no big deal haha), so a very low meal, but am absolutely loving it as have had it for one of my meals every day this week.
But before I was having a 10/11pp midday meal, and that means I've got extra points for my evening snacks and it's tough choosing something that fits but isn't too high. So I'm usually having about 3 or 4 snacks after my evening meal.
It used to work, but now I might have to spread them out throughout the day a bit more.

However... Just discovered McVities' Gold Bars are only 3pp. Absolutely love them!
And Caramacs are 5. Mmmmm.
I received this in the post this morning from my ww leader. Definitely made me smile =)


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Mind if I join you? I'm starting back on ww in the morning but doing it from home as not getting on with pp so going back to discovery. Seems a bit silly paying for group when using vintage points.

Have about 5st ish to lose so going to take me a while. Hopefully this time ill get there.

Good luck,
Dan x
Welcome Dan.
Good luck with your weight loss.
This thread is a really good thread, I enjoy being on here.
It's where I like to have a chat about what I've been up to, even though I'm now no longer doing weight watchers from home and am signed up to a meeting.
Thanks for the welcome :)

Discover is the ww plan they had before they brought in pp. Its still counting points but is calculated on cals and saturated fat instead of protein etc. Works better for me because I find I use the weeklies to binge and you don't get them with discover. Plus as I'm a veggie and carbs are quite high in pp I find it difficult as these are my staple foods eg pasta.

Hoping this time I can actually get somewhere :)

Good luck,
Dan x
Sitting in canteen. Everyone around me is eating yummy looking food... I sadly didnt like the dressing on my salad :-( lol enjoying some fruit now. Need to get some diet pop, 2 pp for a can of lemonade not good. Hows everyone doing today? X
Hi Dan, missed your arrival. Welcome. I also think old points in my head and in my sleep. Why they fiddled with a proven simple formula which folk would return to is beyond me. Hope whoever dreamed it up got sacked for losing them so many followers :rolleyes: Keep us posted on your progress. what day do you weight yourself ? chips