Big Bird
They used to be called 'sins' and they changed it, as it was believed to be too negative a word. Now they try to convince us that 'syn' is short for 'synergy'- what a load of codswallop! I hate it when people demonise food by using words like 'bad' or 'naughty'.
I disagree that syns are needed to maximise weight loss. But what probably happens when people try to cut back on syns is that they increase their consumption of free foods, so they'll have extra spuds/pasta/meat etc instead of a chocolate bar, so although they think they're eating more healthily,their calorie consumption won't be any less. However, if people do use their syns, they're probably more likely to eat smaller portions of other calorie dense free foods.
I mentioned the 'sins' thing above - I can see why they changed that as it really does send out the wrong message IMHO! I can also see why they would want to keep the new name similar but is syns really any better than sins? I'm not convinced either.
For what it's worth, I'm a great believer in using as much of your syns allowance as you need. I use 10-15 most days. Maybe it doesn't increase your losses, maybe it does. From my experience I lose well as a rule and have never really restricted my syns. What it does is give you an extra tool for staying on plan and the leeway to have a bit of what you fancy.