Don't you just hate it when....

Texty_F said:
mrstore maybe you should contact local police too, it may be nothing but they will check it out. If its not then panic over, but if he is suss it could save something happening. The police wont mind better safe than sorry.

Reported it this evening, police called me back to get more details, still shaking like a bloody leaf though :(
I just wish I'd have reported it sooner. Been awake for hours thinking about it
you've done everything you can hun, now that you've reported it you could have saved something from happening like textyf said. im sure everyones thankful for people like you that report things. ive reported things before that might seem insignificant but you just cant take the risk xxxxx
DYJHIW you find your perfect job advertised online, so email over your cv and a fab covering letter well within the dates, and then wait to hear back. I received an email last week saying they'd received my application and would contact me shortly! So today after 8 days, I called them-and the stupid agency hadn't even sent my cv to the client and now the job has closed!!!!! Am not a happy bunny :( these Olympics have really screwed me over job wise :banghead:
go onto tesco on facebook they have a person from customer services who answers your questions, and i think this ones already been asked? xxxx
Dyjhiw littlest charge is jabbering away and you zone out, then you come back for the end of it and hear "and that's why my Willy is wet!"....don't think I want to know!
Dyjhiw littlest charge is jabbering away and you zone out, then you come back for the end of it and hear "and that's why my Willy is wet!"....don't think I want to know!
hilarious! i do this sometimes too. they normally finish with something like "and now we're not friends anymore" but occasionally ends with something like "and now its broken in the kitchen" and youre like "whaaattt??! "