Gold Member
... When you bang your head in the garage :-( ouch
Ditto! I walked into the garage door yesterday x
... When you bang your head in the garage :-( ouch
... When OH has been in your low low!! :-(
Punchable offence!
dyjhiw you still don't feel confident enough to get your legs out in this lovely weather...![]()
Or dyjhiw you are thinking need to get into my shorts in this weather but cant be a*"&^ shaving them!
Can't be bothered doing it most of the time anyway, it's like a chore lol
Totally agree!!
All that contorting about and then the faff with washing the bath out after :sigh:
Oooh Italy, exciting! Would love to go there xDYJHIW you're so pale! Lay on the sun for 30 minutes with factor 30 and burnt. Better stash up on the factor 50 for Italy in 2 weeks!
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End of an era in this house, James told me that the Tooth Fairy & Santa weren't real and that we gave him the money/presents. I have had to tell him that he will still need to believe until Freya tell's us that she doesn't believe - booooooo
DYJHIW you're so pale! Lay in the sun for 30 minutes with factor 30 and burnt. Better stash up on the factor 50 for Italy in 2 weeks!
Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
End of an era in this house, James told me that the Tooth Fairy & Santa weren't real and that we gave him the money/presents. I have had to tell him that he will still need to believe until Freya tell's us that she doesn't believe - booooooo
Oooh Italy, exciting! Would love to go there x
Whereabouts in Italy are you going? we went a few years ago & I was surprised how nice it was, I'd never fancied it before, but it was a Sun holiday & we all had a fab time.
DS (22) & DD (21), me & OH have an understanding, we all know Santa doesn't exist but we still believe, in fact one year on DD's stocking I put from mum & dad & got told off!!!!!!!!!!!!! So even now they're off Santa, we 'don't' get them any pressies.