Happy Holidays
Gold Member
That is sad news, we just don't realise how lucky we are sometimes, you know we get up every morning & just have no idea how the day is going to end, fortunately for us better than their families.
Dyjhiw.. You have just got home after being in a&e for 5 1/2 hours after fainting outside of the gym.. Was told it was heat exhaustion built up over the last few days.
Stay hydrated and keep cool everyone x
Dyjhiw.. You have just got home after being in a&e for 5 1/2 hours after fainting outside of the gym.. Was told it was heat exhaustion built up over the last few days.
Stay hydrated and keep cool everyone x
DUJHIW...you hate your job!
DUJHIW...you hate your job!
DYJHIW - you have all the symptoms of * week but thought you were done with that arghhhhh im starving, pains in my tummy and feel bloated and keep going dizzy
DYJHIW - you have all the symptoms of * week but thought you were done with that arghhhhh im starving, pains in my tummy and feel bloated and keep going dizzy
I'm okay Barmel, just cannot stick it there anymore.
Gilly - are you in the same boat as well? X
Eek... How are you feeling now?? Xx