Dyjhiw you take son shopping for school trousers at the weekend and he tries on trousers and says they fit him and this morning he is complaining and saying the trousers don't fit him! and dyjhiw you think you have organised your lunch for work today but when you go to get a jacket potato from the freezer to go with the tuna mix you have made to go on it there aren't any jacket spuds in there!
DYJHIW it's time to go to that place that you're forced to go to 5 days a week!!
Dyjhiw your OH is at the dentist for a 2 hour Appointment and you are dreading finding out the cost. So glad I have nhs dentist
Yeah he's having cosmetic dentistry too eeek! He went to Budapest a few years ago to have a load of crowns and veneers for cheaper but it was all bodged and so far has cost us about £5k to sort out. His dentist loves seeing him though, mainly cos he bleeds up dry I would think!
Ouch!! I bet the dentist sees your husbands booking and thinks kerching!!![]()
When your having the week from hell:,(
When your having the week from hell:,(
Hope you are alright?When your having the week from hell:,(
Sending hugs Gilly. Hope your ok xx
Maybe not the best thread to subscribe to if you feel that way.DYJHIW people just moan about anything and everything.Just get on with it.It gets boring listening to you.