Awww bless him. What ya fancying for meals? x
I just need to mix it up abit seem to have the same veggies everyday with either fish chicken or noodles I love the veggies I have so don't want to get bored of them I'm thinking of looking to do a list and off to asda either tomorrow or Tuesday to get sorted ;-)
I wouldn't mind making some nice soups for the cold weather coming in as I have a soup maker any suggestions ? X
You feel like everyone around you is keeping a secret from you! Either that or I'm paranoid!
Hmmm.....I wonder.......Yeah maybe! Just weird having everyone acting shifty! Even my mum!
Dyjliw you traipse up 2 flights of stairs to bleed the radiators, go to do it and realise you've got the gas meter box key in your hand, not the radiator key. Bah.
DYJHIW - you have a banging headache and cramp and feel TOTM is on its way when youve not had one for almost 2 years bleughhhh