M Louise H
Gold Member
I heard two 12 year olds having a conversation about holidays yesterday... One was disappointed that her parents had 'only' booked Centre Parks for their holiday this year. The other one was saying that there will be loads to do there with the all the activities etc... To which her friend replied. .. But it's not exactly a proper holiday is it? It's not even abroad!
It just got to me as I've had matty in tears recently saying that all his friends are going on fancy holidays and we're not.... I'd love to take him for a week at Centre Parks, but we can't even afford that .... I just thought that she should be grateful that she's getting a holiday this year!! X
Greece has many many faults but the thing I love is there is no 'keeping up with the Joneses'. My daughter is 8 and although she has up to date electronic gadgets (more to do with my OH to be honest!) she really doesn't want or ask for much. We're in the sticks and not many of us in the area are financially well off - kids go out and play and we're lucky that in the summer they don't need to go anywhere for holidays as they have it on their doorstep. It's like the UK when I was a kid, they go out to play (because it's safe enough to) and not a designer trainer in sight