Dyjhiw... Hormones adjusting after Connors birth.... And the aftermath of puffy eyes! Sent from my HTC One X using MiniMins
Aw bless you jess xx
When you've had a **** night and all you get on here is the blame for something you physically didn't do and people make you feel even worse about yourself than you already do.yet others can do the same thing and don't get a word said about it but me I get the snooty remarks,x
Dyjhiw you are stressed out about something, need hubbys advice but he is drunk so bloody useless and it ends in a row instead!
When your bruised swollen and a grumpy patient
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Dyjhiw you're all bloated from over indulgence at the weekend "wahhhhh" x
Rubbish isn't it! That'll teach us for being naughty! X