Don't you just hate it when....

Yep and I bet my daughters will be as well but that doesn't make me feel much better lol! I tried to take some clean stuff in there yesterday and actually couldn't open the door without difficulty!
She is very busy at the mo and working various shifts and I don't have to go in there very often but why its starting to bug me is she is now using my mirror and the other day had been in my room on my bed to watch tv...probably cos its so disgusting in her room she can't get to the bloody mirror!
Ha ha that's what mine does too, she's always in mine, like you said I can't open the door to get in there, no gaps in the floor-drobe at all, totally minging :rolleyes:
Dyjhiw I've just settled Connor & then make him jump by sneezing!! Not a happy baby now :(
Dyjhiw you are drying your hair in the hotel and the hairdryer explodes and blows the lights And ssparks fly everywhere!!


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Well its a dyjliw I get to redo the whole house. But major dyjhiw I'm useless at planning or organising what I want!
DYJHIW after doing 2 levels of 30 day shred yesterday your body feels like it's been hit by a bus.

Ouch.Send help.
Dyjhiw your living room looks like this and its probably the tidiest room in the house. (Kathryn I thought you would like the cushions!!)

Lol! This is what happened when I sent girls up to tidy there bedroom on Monday...


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