Don't you just hate it when....

you thought said daughter might have had a wee nap but nooooooooooooooooooooo shes wide awake when your head is about hitting the keyboard
Lol if it helps Michelle I wouldnt have a clue either

Some progress has been made, I've managed to log onto 'iCloud find my iPad' and successfully, locked it, & erased it, so hopefully whoever has it or finds it can't use it now, it's only be lose about 4wks, but hey ho at least it's now done! Just need to set up my iPhone now, just getting a tad fed up at the time it's taking me, lol x
dyjhiw you always seem tired, even had 15 hrs sleep the other day but still felt like i could sleep for another 15 :(
Technology eh lol its a marvellous thing

Now my sister has sent me a payment using pingit & for goodness sake my patience is really wearing out, I've had to register, put my personal details in, mobile number, bank details, I'm now waiting for a fecking pin code to enter & complete payment what a fanny around, why she couldn't have transfered it online like normal i've no idea.
Now my sister has sent me a payment using pingit & for goodness sake my patience is really wearing out, I've had to register, put my personal details in, mobile number, bank details, I'm now waiting for a fecking pin code to enter & complete payment what a fanny around, why she couldn't have transfered it online like normal i've no idea.

Is now a good time to LOL? :rolleyes:
Is now a good time to LOL? :rolleyes:

Well the pin code arrived & I've now successfully registered, I've now flippin idea if the payment has been rec'd or not, grrrrrrr, MiL is still pi$$ing me off & I've just thought of something else which is now starting to irritate me. I'll be alright in a little while, I'm finishing off on here then getting myself a brew & sitting down to read, I'm better on my own at times like this!
Well the pin code arrived & I've now successfully registered, I've now flippin idea if the payment has been rec'd or not, grrrrrrr, MiL is still pi$$ing me off & I've just thought of something else which is now starting to irritate me. I'll be alright in a little while, I'm finishing off on here then getting myself a brew & sitting down to read, I'm better on my own at times like this!

Well the pin code arrived & I've now successfully registered, I've now flippin idea if the payment has been rec'd or not, grrrrrrr, MiL is still pi$$ing me off & I've just thought of something else which is now starting to irritate me. I'll be alright in a little while, I'm finishing off on here then getting myself a brew & sitting down to read, I'm better on my own at times like this!
not used to reading posts like this from you. Hope you feel better in a bit x