Hiya spanx,
The belly is still wobbling with all the laughter, you are truly one funny lady:8855:.
I dip in and out of the princess thread and exchange humorous posts with you all. But you never really know who is at the end of the other computers! Reading your diary has given an insight into who you are.
Its so god dam liberating when you take control of 'yourself' I feel better just having that control, lord knows what it will feel like when you hit the finishing line and know it was all down to (you, me, us)

I have been slowly slipping up the scales for years, because it was so slow you get used to your size, the only time the bells have rung is when I have actually jumped up a dress size.

But even then it must not have been enough to make me stop and think!
My turning point was last year, we had taken OH's mother to Florida with our family. (OH's dad passed away earlier in the year

) it was the first time we had taken anyone else on holiday with us. I didn't give it a second thought, until!

we came home and she had shown all and sundry her holiday pics! (Yes you are already in front of me!) there was me at the water parks in a COSTUME!

letting it all hang out. I was soooo upset I cried when I found out she had been picture happy. My sister-in-law made a point of telling me (she is a size 8) that it had been lovely to see all the pictures!
I lost two stone eating sensibly but then the weight stopped dropping off, so I joined slimming World. It is such an easy plan to follow and gives results when! we stick to it. For the most part I do, but we still have to have a life outside our own kitchen.
So... I wish you all the success you deserve and I know you will enjoy moving down the sizes of that slinky under ware.
p.s My motivation is one of those pictures, (I stole it) And when i reach my goal I will be getting OH to take at least 200 pictures of me in the most risky bikini I can find!

and you know where those pictures will be going don't you... yup, to my mother in-laws house!:8855: