

Silver Member
Hey everyone i had some synthetic dreads put in last night, i know this is random but im wondering if i should take 1lb off my next weigh in weight as there super heavy! im not using this as an excuse its actually like having an animal on my head haha there really long and im sure they'd weight around 2lb if i weighted them seperately! what do you think ?:p
Hehe yes I would add a half a pound- a pound. I have four packs of extensions on my hair at the mo and they are heavy!! But I've had them since I started so I shan't worry LOL

The things us women do :)
haha so true :) think ill take a 1lb off just to be sure ;) hehe
hell yes take it off, i even pluck my eyebrows, hair extensions, out, have a wee, no makeup on lol it all counts.
cable said:
hell yes take it off, i even pluck my eyebrows, hair extensions, out, have a wee, no makeup on lol it all counts.

Lol ...... Made me laugh
Starlight said:
I wouldnt take it off if youre having them in for a while, it would just confuse me lol Id just weigh as usual and then take the bonus when I took them out :)

Sounds like a good idea :)
haha good idea indeed i might just do that :)