I have been to tk maxx and come out with two dresses, two pairs of shoes and some presents for my nieces. Lots of the dresses were too big (yay!) just hope the ones I bought still look good in two weeks time! Thanks for the tip Lizz.
My computer is playing up! No idea where they've gone. I'll try again...
Thanks Autumn! I feel pretty good. Just a bit more to go for me and then maintenance so I feel up to putting pics of me in a dress on here. Don't think I'd have done that before. No don't have accessories yet. I basically did a quick sweep of the dress section and headed for the fitting room. Tried 8 on and brought 2 home. I'm generally rubbish with shopping. So I will consider accessories once I've worked up the courage to brave shopping again! Any suggestions gratefully received. I am a jeans and t-shirt girl no matter what size I am. So all help appreciated when trying to dress like a grown up.
Thanks for the advice Autumn. I think you're right. I think black with the silver will be great. I tend to go for Claire's accessories for hair things for wedding as I always lose them! But don't mind if it was only a quid. Thanks Lizz. I'm quite chuffed that I found something with time to spare. Plus as I'm feeling a bit bloated due to totm if it feel right now then in two weeks I know I'll feel good in it. All thanks to your tk maxx suggestion though! Thanks.