Dress stress!


Silver Member
My OH has been nominated for a very prestigious award (*proud*) and I need to find myself a posh frock to wear to the ceremony. I am having a total nightmare. My body shape is : lumpy bumpy flabby with giant boobs. I only ever really buy clothes from Dotty Perks, M&S and Evans. I can't find anything that even remotely suits me from there. Where's good to go :( I am stressed out and can't find anything posh (and not too expensive) that hides an absolute multitude of flab-sins while not making me look like I am wearing a tent. HELP!
SimplyBe have a nice variety of clothes xx
Without wanting to sound rude, I'd buy one of those 'hold yourself in' underwear things, i've got the big knickers & they are great for stopping me looking flabby, it doesn't suddenly make you look slim, but just a nicer body.

i' d go to somewhere like Asda, Next, Evans etc & try on different styles to see what looks good. Then search 'net for something similar but within your price range.

well done OH for getting the award.
Yeh I've got a good under-the-boob-to-mid-thigh flab holder :p It does smooth out the flab but I just can't find anything that suits. Going to have to go on a right mission this weekend :(
What about trying a personal shopping thing at Debenhams or John Lewis? They're usually free and they'll be able to pick out things that will make the most of your good parts and disguise the bits you don't like.

Good luck!
Aww how lovely to have a nice event to go to- congrats to you both! What sort of style do you like to go for? If you like retro style clothing then you could splash out on a Vivienne of Holloway dress to show off your ample bosom or try Queen of Holloway for a more budget friendly option.

How about a browse through your old clothes? Now that you've done so fantastically well with Slimming World you might have a wee beauty in the back if the wardrobe you'd forgotten about!
Ann Harvey is good for "occasion" clothes and they always seem to have a sale on. But what I would do - time permitting - is to go into any place that looks as if it will have the sort of thing you want, try on a few things until you get the hang of their sizes, then go home and look on EBAY for something from that range. For instance, I know what sizes fit me from Ann Harvey, so I just put in the search term Ann Harvey 22 (or whatever) and up pops a whole load of clothes. I save a fortune. Also, upmarket charity shops are a good place to look. I found a really lovely beaded jacket for a fiver the other day.
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ASOS have a good range in a variety of sizes. Speedy delivery, usually free returns and not too pricey.