
I was told that some ppl drink bouillion(probably spelt wrong) lipotrim wold tell you no, but some do some don't I personally don't In case it makes you hungry my cousin he does this diet and drinks coke zero I guess every body has there thing x
I don't think you are meant to because it could take you out of ketosis. Do you have ketostix? If you want to find out you could keep track that way and see of it makes a difference.
I am sticking to it by the letter only because it's a big expense for both DH and I to be on it and still have to buy groceries for the 4 little ones. Need to come off it as soon as we can, so scared to deviate! ;)
Thanks folks, i looked at loads of links but some people drink it, i got my 1st weigh in tomorrow and stuck to it 110 percent so im expecting a good loss x
Good luck with your weigh in!!!:)
i know the feeling hun,i love tea but cant drink it black and cant stand coffee.i have just stuck to water as boring as it is the weight is coming off nicely.just gonna keep going till i have lost the rest then i will enjoy a proper cup of tea when i finish lol x.
You can have any 'leaf' tea, so maybe give teas you wouldn't normally have with milk a try? I've been drinking green tea and peppermint tea for a change. :)