Good Morning. The lovely people at S&S have sent my order to me from yesterday and included a free tape measure and shaker (Isn't that sweet?). So this morning I took down all my measurements and I am pretty chuffed with a few of them. I am most impressed that my waist/hip ratio is at 0.72 which i was surprised at. I had to re-take the measurements to make sure I had read them correctly.
Now being in possession of a tape measure, I am re-thinking the idea of getting weighed. I have been really nervous about it and thinking about what sort of numbers I would have to see on the scale to be happy, and how I might feel if those numbers don't show up. Perhaps I am not yet ready to step on the scale. Perhaps weekly measurements might be a better idea.
I think I will put off my trip to boots that I had been promising for another week, take my measurements again next Friday, and see how that works for me. I am quite excited to try all these new food packs but I will leave talking about them for my new diary, after all this is about drop weight and I still have 4 days to go on that.
I do think that dropweight has priced itself out of being truly competitive. I can't see how they can justify being twice the price of Exante of S&S with a very similar offering. I haven't tasted these new brand packs yet, but other than that there isn't really a discernable difference between companies, and DW doesn't have consultants or anything like the similarly priced LighterLife, or Cambridge. i just don't know where they get their figures from. I have enjoyed the diet though, and continue to do so. If I had bought 2/3 months worth of packs from Groupon instead of 1, I would have very happily continued to use them.
Mostly, I am thankful to them for opening my eyes to this form of diet, which I had never really considered, but has been the most effective, easiest and most enjoyable diet i have ever been on.