DropWeight Diary

Good luck with slim and save. Post a link to your new diary on here so I can find it.
Good Morning. The lovely people at S&S have sent my order to me from yesterday and included a free tape measure and shaker (Isn't that sweet?). So this morning I took down all my measurements and I am pretty chuffed with a few of them. I am most impressed that my waist/hip ratio is at 0.72 which i was surprised at. I had to re-take the measurements to make sure I had read them correctly.

Now being in possession of a tape measure, I am re-thinking the idea of getting weighed. I have been really nervous about it and thinking about what sort of numbers I would have to see on the scale to be happy, and how I might feel if those numbers don't show up. Perhaps I am not yet ready to step on the scale. Perhaps weekly measurements might be a better idea.

I think I will put off my trip to boots that I had been promising for another week, take my measurements again next Friday, and see how that works for me. I am quite excited to try all these new food packs but I will leave talking about them for my new diary, after all this is about drop weight and I still have 4 days to go on that.

I do think that dropweight has priced itself out of being truly competitive. I can't see how they can justify being twice the price of Exante of S&S with a very similar offering. I haven't tasted these new brand packs yet, but other than that there isn't really a discernable difference between companies, and DW doesn't have consultants or anything like the similarly priced LighterLife, or Cambridge. i just don't know where they get their figures from. I have enjoyed the diet though, and continue to do so. If I had bought 2/3 months worth of packs from Groupon instead of 1, I would have very happily continued to use them.

Mostly, I am thankful to them for opening my eyes to this form of diet, which I had never really considered, but has been the most effective, easiest and most enjoyable diet i have ever been on.
Ooh exciting! And yeah measurements sounds like the best way to go at the moment. Good luck!
Just started my new thread over on the S&S board.

I won't really be writing in it until Tuesday though, so that I finish off my drop weight stuff in this diary.

Ok so today has been ok. I had a massive dinner though so that was a bit naughty, but it tasted so good i couldn't stop. Food for the day:

Choc Shake
Tom Soup
Cookie Bar

125g rainbow trout (I love trout!)
1/3 cauliflower (mashed)
2 spring onions
1/2 an onion
1/2 a courgette
1/2 avocado
5 mushrooms
tbsp creme fraiche

Also I had 1 cup of tea and 2.5 litres of water.

I am really looking forward to having my other bit of trout. Trout is a bit of a treat for me-I absolutely love it. I bought it and some steak when I was last in Waitrose. On S&S I don't think either of these are allowed so I will be eating well the next 3 evenings.

Bootcamp in the morning, and then 45 minutes kettlebell workout. Better check the forecast. Come on sun!
Ok so, today I have had:

Choc Shake
Veg Soup
Caramel Bar

And dinner is going to be steak with a ratatouille veg thing. I had it for dinner the other day and made too much. I just need to add in a few more veg as I now have 3 evenings to use up all of my non-plan veg for moving across to slim and save.

I had another bootcamp this morning that was a bit more killer than usual. there was lots of starjumps and things with your arms above your head. For some reason having my arms above my head really gets me out of breath (I have no idea why). I felt good though. especially as i woke up 45 minuted before the session and was contemplating not going in after a terrible nights sleep. sorted me right out.

As soon as I got home I did my 45 minutes of kettlebell. That again was killer. 9 sets! But that is one week down, and only 3 to go (until I move to a more challenging routine). And I have just been out for a walk to Whiteladies to go shopping. Hardly a massive distance, but at least my bum is off the desk chair.

I did notice something depressing today though. When I put on my bra there was a ridiculous amount of space left in the cup where once was boob. This is very sad, and I am sure that half of whatever weight I have lost, must have gone straight out my nipples. Sorry if TMI, but I am finding it so disappointing. I had to buy a bra in a cup size I hadn't used since I was 14 the other day and that was enough to make me want to run straight to Greggs and get the girls back to their former glory. Ahh well, I suppose i could hardly expect localised fat removal from just my tummy and thighs, but I was kinda hoping that my assets were all mammary glands. Not the case.
I'm exactly the same. My boobs have shrunk and I know it's weird but it's the one bit of my body I had liked! I just hope that the rest of me gets smaller too so I don't go out of proportion
I'm exactly the same. My boobs have shrunk and I know it's weird but it's the one bit of my body I had liked! I just hope that the rest of me gets smaller too so I don't go out of proportion

I know! I'm sure that I lose my weight from top down, so next stop must be trim tummy town, right?
Today I feel completely drained. I woke up at 8 and couldn't muster the energy to get up, so went back to sleep for 3 hours. I think I have mentioned it before, but I am sleeping terribly at the minute, and it is getting really annoying lying in bed awake at stupid o'clock and then feeling like cr*p when I get up.

So there will be no run today. It should have been the first of my C25K week 3, but I am going to delay until I get back from uni tomorrow. I did go into town though, which was really tiring but needed to be done. Walking to the bus I had my bar over an hour early to try to give me some energy. I think I will make dinner in an hour to try and perk me up.

I think my exercise yesterday went quite a way to making me feel this tired. It was a hard bootcamp and that kettlebell training was exhausting. I shouldn't really be doing them on the same day, but I keep delaying my kettlebells by a day midweek so I end up having to complete on Saturday. :: Slaps Wrist :: Must be better.
So. Much. Food.

I have just finished my last meal on the dropweight plan. Steak and oven cooked veg with salsa and creme fraiche. I had to use up all my illegal veg before slim and save so I have eaten and entire courgette and red onion alongside the legal 4 mushrooms and 2 tomatoes. Yummy, but I overdid it.

From tomorrow is is strictly chicken or white fish and vegetables. no sauces, no creams, no cheese (Ooh, I really should have used up the last of my cheddar). i have portioned up the next 2 weeks worth of meats, and just need to add veg. I feel ready. I haven't done any exercise today as it has been a long one, and I wanted to move my kettlebell workout in line with my running, so I will be doing it tomorrow.

I am pretty excited to get started now. I have found DropWeight a great diet, but I am looking forward to trying all the new things that come with S&S, and having other people who are doing the same as myself. See you on the other side.

Little bit of a conundrum. I just got an email from DropWeight telling me that they could offer me another months supply of packs for £70. I am on S&S now, but I am really tempted to take them up on this offer. I was really happy with how easily I fitted the programme into my life, where as I am finding S&S more of a challenge for some reason. I will probably need to decide soon. I would miss the choice that comes with S&S though. Ahh! What to do?
Maybe you could buy it and keep it for when you finish s and s? Dunno if it'd last that long?
Just saw dropweight is on groupon, hadn't heard of them so checked on here and found your diary - very informative :)