Hellooooo! Hello Karin and massive, massive congratulations!! I'm sorry I missed much of your journey to target weight but cor blimey, you look gorgeous in those pics! Look how slim and toned your arms are in the maxi dress! I'm with Sid, that's my favourite!
I'm going to nosy back and see how you made it to TW but really, you are doing so well on conso. I never managed it in the way you have - amazing self restraint at times, you're my hero!
I hope you're regularly congratulating yourself on what you've achieved, it's brilliant. Please keep up the good work on conso - you're an inspiration! And I love that you changed your name too! Think I remember we were joking about how you would need to change your name when you got to TW so very glad to see you did!
Hurray hurray - don't stop reminding yourself how well you've done!!!
Joodle xx