Put quarter back on this morning, but I knew that would happen. Not blaming my little treaty cheat either....I had a Snickers Ice Cream bar. Was so so nice, had planned it over a week ago, so its beeen waiting for me. LOL. But i only had that one, I didn't go back for more, though the mars one looked nice LOL.
Started out with a good day today, my volunteer day in school, I love working in foundation, that kids are ace. The new supply teacher gives me more to do with the kids, so I get to take groups. Teaching them out to count or draw their numbers is very rewarding. Had one little boy today who was struggling to write '3' so i did a one on one with him and wrote down '3,4,6' he then managed to copy them underneath and his own beaming smile of pride was brilliant. He then got an award in assembly for his 'talking' about the fair thats in town. He did really well today.
Went to a friends after school, the one who rarely notices I've lost weight, so I made a point of telling her I'd lost 3 stone, and she said well done, you can tell. LOL.
had a late-ish tea, shepherds pie, used turnip and carrott mash for the topping, with a few spears of asparagus. Then had becca's amazing Choc Mug Cake for pudding. Still full now.
Got my sponsored zumba tomorrow, so am a bit nervous cos after trying to skip in breakfast club, i was out of breath with just a dozen skips. Hopefully it will all be ok, I'll get chance to practice in the morning LOL.