Get yourself to Matalan and if you are not a 14/16 I will eat my hat!!!! Not too bad a day for hubby's birthday - what's a bit of cake and some coated chicken in the scheme of things??? LOL Just think what you would have eaten before Dukan!!!! Onwards and downwards DNSF!!! I made the Amaretto cheesecake which is delish but defo will not be making it again as can't keep to one slice!!! LOL! Old habits die very hard!!! x
Erm Trudy, that hat you were mentioning.....................leave it in the cupboard LOL.
Size 16 skinny jeans and black live in my wardrobe. Woohoo.
Well, i tried on 6 different pairs, the first pair there's no way the button was making friends with the buttonhole LOL, the second pair was closer but looked awful on my legs. Third pair went to my hips, but the material wouldn't go higher on my knee or thighs (mentioned earlier), they were a skinny pair. 4th pair fit and fastened (the black stretchy ones I've had before) but they were all wrinkled on my thighs,(again the wobbly thighs) looked dreadful.
The fifth and sixth pair now live with me ....
fastened, buttoned and on, woohoo, size 16 trousers. Black jeans and a pair of floral skinny jeans. I also bought in asda (half price sale) two size 14 tops. One a peach colour with elastic round the bottom.
Thank you trudy for mentioning it, I seriously would have stuck to Asda's clothes (as they are affordable) and not known for a while longer I could fit into a 16. So chuffed. Buying those clothes gave me a massive boost, I walked out of matalan feeling ten foot tall, was pratically toughing the sky. I even told the assistant that I had gone down four dress sizes, having lost nearly 5 stone, she said well done, thats good. Total stranger and I'm bragging.
Thanks to my wonderful Mum re-finding them in the Dukan book, I am going to be doing the dukan exercises each night and morning. Will stick to doing two of them to start with and build my way up.
Did 15min on the vibration plate tonight, boy the second exerise was really pushing me, shows how out of shape and unfit i am. You lay on the floor and put feet flat/knees bent on the plate. Start the vibration and push up so head and shoulers and arms are flat on the floor. I could feel it in my bum and was wobbling all over. I kept putting my bum back down, count of 5 and back up again for a count of 20-30. Did a few of them. Also did standing and sitting exercises so its toning the legs/bum too.
I decided to get on the scales this morning as I wanted to see what damage the cake and sticky chicken had done, and I had lost 1lb from yesterday morning LOL, that must have been the toilet fairy me thinks LOL. Seriously thou, I feel as though I have re found my mojo....raring to go and grasp that True Weight that is so close.
Even thou i grumble, rant and moan when I don't lose, I have never lost faith in this diet, I have believed from day one, ok day 8 after my first week, that it would work for me and that I was going to lose. i never expected to be this successful, as in the past I have lost maybe a stone, stone and half and then stopped. But the feeling of losing allthis weight, the look of me in the mirror, the comments from my family (even when sister called me a b*t*h LOL....jealousy and was only joking) makes me feel I CAN do it. My parents own success motivates me to keep going. I am soooo looking forward to that shopping trip when Mum and i can buy size 14 trousers and 12 tops...........its going to happen..............IT REALLY REALLY IS!!!!!
I'll post these pics on my picture diary too, but here is what I got today.

oops, please ignore the jumper I had dropped on the my haste to try clothes on LOL