dukan food list. attack

i got my shopping delivered yesterday but now need to go to shop again.
turkey bacon, mint, tabasco sauce,green tea, ginger, chewing gum (yay)
That is im sulking. I just got an e mail from play saying that my book has been posted but wont be here for another 3-5 working days
turkey bacon hon :)
thats what amazon said it would be here by the 4th June then its come early.
Oh ok. Hmm not sure if i like turkey bacon. Will make myself though!!! Fingers crossed. Its being sent 2nd class. I didnt even get the option for a quicker delivery
really? thats pants. oh no. ill read mine and tell you everything xxx
i love turker bacon used to have it on ww.
i will :D
Hello girls and I can feel your excitement over here! Good for you!!

BUT... while I'm keeping out of most of the what's allowed and what isn't discussions, cos I don't have the English book and he'll obviously be catering for the English supermarket rather than French... I do need to say something with regard to the length of time some of you are planning to do the attack phase for.

While in the original French book, he does suggest various lengths of attack according to how much weight the person needs to lose, the absolute maximum for a HUGELY obese person is 10 days.

For most of you, three to five days is absolutely a maximum... and, trust me, you'll be delighted because... errm... in attack, and on PP days generally, things can get a little slow on the old... err ... number two front!

I really do know my stuff where this is concerned as I was "coached" on the French site (ie paid to have "personalised" instruction) and, at that time, I was told to only do TWO days attack as I only had a stone to lose. I'd say three or five max depending on how much you have to lose...

Re questions on "bouillon". In France, we can buy "fat free" stock cubes. Are they available in England? If not, I'd be surprised if shop bought stock is ok... but I'll stand corrected perhaps when my book arrives (ordered yesterday on amazon and already on its way apparently!)
Thanks again Joanne.
You will probably get the book before we do!
Joanne thank you. Will have to re think my menu then! Yes we can get boullion over here. Later i'll post the nutritional values of the shop brought stock. Off to work in a bit.
OK... copy paste from the site I use of the attack foods (should keep you lot quiet for a while ;)):

viandes : steak, filet et faux-filet de bœuf, rosbif, langue, viande des Grisons, escalope, côte, foie et rognon de veau, ainsi que jambon de porc, de poulet ou de dinde (sans gras et sans couenne). Les steaks hachés doivent être à 5% de MG dans cette phase d' attaque ( et pour le jour de PP strict de conso/stabilisation aussi, en fait ), ils pourront être à 10% en croisière.

poissons : cabillaud, colin, dorade, empereur, espadon, flétan, flétan fumé, haddock, lieu, limande, lotte, loup, maquereau, mer¬lan, mulet, raie,rouget, sardine, saumon, saumon fumé, sole, surimi, thon, thon au naturel, turbot.

fruits de mer :bulot, calamar, clovisse, coque, coquille Saint-Jacques, crabe, crevette, crevette grise, gamba, homard, huître, lan¬gouste, langoustine, moule, oursin, poulpe, seiche, tourteau.

volailles : autruche, caille, coquelet, foie de volaille,dinde,lapin, pigeon, pintade, poulet.

oeufs : de poule et de caille.

laitages : yaourt maigre blanc ou aromatisé à l'aspartam, fromage blanc maigre, faisselle 0%

Toutes les eaux sont autorisées, notamment les eaux de source légèrement diurétiques comme l’eau de contrexeville, vittel, évian, volvic, évitez l’eau vichy et badoit trop salées pour ce régime. Si vos n’êtes pas un buveur d’eau plate, buvez du vittelloise ou perrier, bulles et gaz n’ont aucune incidence sur le régime. Une mention spéciale pour l' eau Hépar ( bonne pour le transit, source de Magnésium, anti-oxydante).

Buvez 1,5 l par jour d'eau, de thé ou de tisane. Certaines eaux minérales, riches en magnésium et en bicarbonates , aident à lutter à la fois contre le stress et la constipation. Une boisson froide le matin à jeun déclenche un réflexe gastro-intestinal qui favorise un bon transit.
En revanche, il ne faut pas boire brûlant, cela incite à ingérer de l'air, propice au gonflement.

Café, thé ou toute autre infusion ou tisane sont assimilables à de l’eau et, à ce titre, à déduire du litre et demi imposé.
its a good job i can read a bit of french :D
  • Meat: steak, fillet and sirloin, roast beef, tongue, "grisons" meat (like dried beef), escalope, liver and veal kidney, and FAT FREE ham (available in France - it's nasty!), chicken or turkey ham. Mincemeat should be no more than 5% fat in attack phase (and for the strict PP day in Conso/Stab phases also). In cruise phase, they can be 10%.
  • Fish: cod, bla bla bla - anything you can think of as far as I can see from your fish monger. From supermarket smoked salmon, tuna (natural), crabsticks (maximum 8 per day).
  • Seafood: anything you can think of. Mussels make a great meal in big pot with fat free bouillon...

    Poultry: Ostrich, quail, chicken liver, turkey, rabbit, pigeon, guinea fowl, chicken (no duck or goose).
  • Eggs: chicken or quail.

    Dairy: fromage blanc, natural fat free yoghurts or aromatised fruit yoghurts (aspartame).
Drink minimum 1.5L a day, including tea/coffee. A cold drink first thing in the morning can help with "transit" issues.