OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!! Ive never been so start struck in my whole life!!! The man is so lovely, unassuming and so gentle. He didnt do the hard sell on anything, but at the end the organizers said that were books for sale and he would be able to sign them too.
He talked about how society impact on humans with the need for pleasure and how the seratonin and dopamine affects our pleasure levels, he discussed things that are free that give us pleasure and the things that cost like food and playfulness like TV or gaming. He then talked about how society need for growth and production makes us lean towards the costly thins that make us happy like food and TV which leads to us getting obsese. It made so much sense.
There were people in the audience from nutrition services, the girl i went with saw her diabetic specialist there. There was a GP in front of me in the book signing queue who told Dr D that he had been using the plan with his patients and was having lots of success. I think in general the feeling in the room was very positive.
Somebody asked him about fruit and why wasnt it part of the diet, he said that apart from the sugar levels, vegetables offer the same nutrients and vitamins, he well and truly told them the score regarding the veggies and fruit. Somebody asked about vegetarians he said it was possible but can be hard due to lack of meat and then we had the debate on sweeteners he said they are fine in moderation better than sugar.
I got to meet the man himself and he signed my Complete Dukan Cook Book, he wished me lots of success with the plan and told me that this cookery book was his bible to weight loss. I was gutted because i had left my phone in the car and lots of people were having pictures taken with him