Dukan ? hope so!

Hiya Col, it's tough this diet malarkey ain't it ! Not heard of the book but might give it a read. Hope you are ok otherwise x
Weigh in tonight and here we go with the mind games. Do I really want to go and put myself through all the failure clappings?:boohoo: Ive been eating kak this week as i was last week so not expecting any losses this week.:break_diet:
Come back to us Col xxx
Sue, i am so considering coming back to the D. Weigh in last night and by some fluke im managed to maintain, god knows how that happened!!

I need to go back to basics, get planning again and get the plans up on the fridge like i always did when i was doing well. Big shop planned for tomorrow, so this weekend is the end of the month and so Stoptober is my starting point for no more kak!! xx
Hello there Col. I'm using the looming CHRISTMAS season as a motivator at the moment (I think the other Jo posted that there were 90 odd sleeps to go!). While that's frighteningly close, when you think that most of us won't have started thinking about shopping yet - food or presents - in three months we could really make a difference to our current weights! And wear a slinky dress at the parties!

So many of us are now looking for an alternative to Dukan, while using some of the principles that we know work for us. Cutting out the obvious white bread, cakes, cr*p etc is a good place to start. I'd like to hope to see myself having some form of healthy carbohydrate once a week, say, at some point and still lose some weight. And fruit for me is a necessity and, given that I lost 11 stone years ago eating it daily, I've always struggled with the need to omit it completely on Dukan.

(Long live my Dukan muffins though - I really couldn't contemplate any plan which wouldn't let me have them!!)

Good luck whatever you decide...
Thanks Jo, not only have i got xmas looming i have my sons 18th and my 50th so i really need to get my act together.

11 stone is an amazing achievement, and that included eating fruit too!! There is hope for me then lol.

I just need to do the planning bit, not been planning at all just eating what was in the cupboard, but deffo this weekend going to get my head back into it and get back into the groove.

i know Dr D works, but after a while of chicken and eggs and salmon it gets a bit samey and i get bored. Got to reinvigorate my cooking/recipes and not get bored, boredom is the killer! x
And for me the same food have become the 'NORM' and not thinking and eating the same foods is helping me xxx we are all so different but all fighting the same fight xxx
Col, I know what you mean about boredom. I am such a lazy bugger I frequently eat the same food repeatedly during the week just because I can't be bothered planning but I think I need a big kick up the bum and start planning and varying my food more. It's just easier for me to eat chicken, cottage cheese or eggs than actually make a proper meal plan.
Hey Colette, really hearing you on the challenge of deciding whether to do full Dukan, knowing it works when you do it properly, or to find some other way that's not quite so restrictive. You will succeed whatever you choose though as you definitely know what works. Wonder if you could do Dukan properly, with all your planning etc, but allow yourself some slightly non-Dukan foods to alleviate boredom. I'm thinking slightly fattier meats like lamb, beef and pork, rather than cake though! If boredom's the thing that's hampering your efforts, I'd definitely focus on finding ways to overcome it. Do you like Asian flavours? I've been really enjoying fish cooked with ginger, chilli and soya sauce - tastes so flavoursome but still Dukan, especially if you use white fish.

When are these birthdays coming up? Definitely something to aim for!!

Hi hun i only eat chicken and fish, sometimes i feel if i eat any more fish ill grow gills!! but saying that i have just got a huge pack of smoked cod that ive portioned and put in the freezer. I use loads of spices when i do cook ginger garlic and i got one of those lemon, garlic and herb grinders from ASDA for making fishcakes. I just need to change the way i think about food and stop putting loads of value on junk food, making it precious and even more desirable!! I need to a bit of CBT on myself i think!! xx
Oh lawks, tell me about it! I can have a healthy, delicious meal all portioned up in the fridge, something I really like, and then I decide I deserve a treat and eat crap. Where did out learn about CBT though? Can you pass on some tips? Jx
CBT is something i do in work most days I do it without thinking about it. you just question why you think that way and try to support it with evidence to back it up or not!
So how does it help with weight loss and healthy eating? X
Don't keep secrets Col!! How does it work?!?
Bed time reading, thanks Col! Sleep tight x
This week i have made a list of all the reasons why i want to lose weight and all the reasons why i dont want to lose weight. Now i have to try and challenge the negative reasons and rethink them into new positive achievable goals. Its not easy it going to take a bit of time. It doesnt help as im suffering from diet fatigue and cantbearseditis!! not helpful, but im just not very motivated at the moment, feel a bit of a failure too!! :(
That post has upset me xxx You are NOT a failure Col, just struggling atm as a few of us are xxx your not alone , what plan are you going to follow????? Lbd challenge Col xxx you up for it?????????