Dukan it out ... again!

Not in a month, Lil Woozy! That's from my highest. I've shed 12lbs in the past 6 weeks.

I'm a daily weigher. I've been up and down - with nearly 10 days where I gained a couple of pounds and stayed there. I don't worry about it as I trust to keto and fasting.

I know I would lose faster if I planned my food to the macros for my weight. I'm not done that yet as I know I can be inclined to binge if I feel too much constraint. So I'm happy keeping a regime of delicious keto foods - aiming for 20g carb or less. Meat, butter, veggies grown above ground, some double cream, and this week some amazing keto brownies last night.
I would be ecstatic with 2 pounds a week right now... as it is, I’m still at the 20 pound mark... almost 2 weeks! I’ve upped my walks from 20 minutes to 30. I can’t weigh every day, because that number on the scale can make or break my attitude ...
I know that the weight is shifting though, as my waistbands are fitting better and my waistline is my bug-a-boo. Thankful for stretch fabrics!
I’m super committed to staying on the 1/1 rotation til mid-September, but my plan is to do a 5 day PP right before vacation and then try to PV for the next 7. Then back on 1/1 when I get home. This damn plateau better end eventually!
Yea for shedding that pound!
Took long enough! Weighed this morning... still at 21, but pretty good considering I ate a hotdog and some carby sides on Saturday. Yesterday I got carried away at work and missed lunch entirely. Dinner was roast beef slices and a handful of dry roasted peanuts. Thought I’d have a gain today... felt lucky to have held my new ground! Muffins in the oven!
PV day today... not weighing til Friday morning. More clothes sorting yesterday... I was RUTHLESS! Finally ditched all of the “theme” T-shirts I haven’t worn but continued to amass. 6 more drawers to go!

Confession: I’ve kept 2 pair of size 16 jeans, just in case. Is that bad?
Yup! That's bad. You might just be allowed to keep a "I was this fat" pair. But you don't need 2!

Brilliant in being ruthless. I can't wait!
Great whooooooosh!
Gone dark.... Sunday was a diet disaster. Food choices were good, but alcohol consumption was off the chain. I hardly EVER drink, but my husband absolutely loves a boozy day out. Took two friends of ours out for brunch, didn’t get home until 9pm. Not just plain spirits, but GIRL DRINKS! Drinks with clever names that I cannot recall... My body did NOT thank me the next day, and I’ve been craving carbs and more sugar ever since. Haven’t jumped onto my nemesis, the scale. Waiting till tomorrow. I have not given up the war, despite losing this recent skirmish.
OMG. Scale this morning showed a FOUR POUND GAIN. WTF. One boozy day.
Thinking it must be water retention, because I couldn’t possibly have consumed the calories required for this!

Not losing heart though. PV Day today. NO CHEATS!
I was up on friday and down 4lbs on today. Those scales whoosh about on low carb! Stay PV strong today!
Been eating well the last few days. Still fearing the scale though. Creeping up on my planned 5 day PP before vacation. Clothes feeling looser... Congrats on the 4 pound drop, AliGal!!!
I was up on friday and down 4lbs on today. Those scales whoosh about on low carb! Stay PV strong today!
OK, so you inspired me to step onto the scale... 2 pounds of the mysterious, boozy gain have fled. 😀 Still have two to go to get back to my recent low. At least I’m on the right track and below my first goal! These last 10-15 pounds are going to be HARD WON.
Still holding, no up, no down. Staying pretty clean, hoping to kick this plateau’s ass starting Monday, when I begin my 5 day pre-vacation PP...

Lunch today was 3 hard boiled eggs (no time for breakfast)
Dinner was salmon filet with green beans with a salad (cheated with small amount of balsamic vinaigrette dressing)
