Ha! I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see a question like that Cheesegirl. Baffling.
Now, on a hunt for info about youghurts (I know, I know, it's been covered, I just still don't really get it...) I found this great thread by some of our Dukan 'ancestors'. Looks like the discussions we've been having about why the advice keeps changing are not new ones - this is definitely worth a read, thanks to Joanne, Anjuschka, Fractal et al!
Ha ha I am an Ancestor now

I'm so fed up with this interminable yoghurt discussion which is why I have long stopped contributing I'm afraid. We started with ML Vanilla and toffe yes, then no, then tolerated... I worked out what worked for me and stuck with it... Definitely no fruit, no fruit bits etc. Only fat-free yoghurt, and only those flavoured ones (ie toffee vanilla) which use sweetener (ie 'diet ones' though some also have fructose). Some of the flavoured diet yoghurt have less carbs/sugars on their labels than plain fat-free yoghurt anyway...
For conso at first I allowed myself WW citrus yoghurts. And added fruity ones later.
On a different French thread (in 2010) they were discussing the yoghurt and for the flavoured ones the rule was 'as long as they are no more than 40 cal per 100gr they are okay' - that was going the whole French 'Sveltesse' range of flavoured yoghurts...
It's always the same with 'prepared' foods, you NEVER KNOW what they have added (starches, fillers, sweeteners, fructose) and labels are difficult to decipher so I stick to basics and flavour yourself. Boring I know, and not always conveient but then you have to weigh up the pros and cons...
So in my book sausages are off the menu too. totally, regardless of the carb/fat etc count, be they pork or venison or beef or poultry. I will admint that I was excited when I found that the Poulrty frankfurters (by Herta) are tolerated, I was quite desperate by that stage and I have had them very occasionally so I can 'join in' with a family meal, but of course now I can have sausages for my 'gala meal' so it's more flexible.