Dukan Newbie

Both not strictly Dukan friendly :(

Perhaps but better than cheese crackers and wine!!

See this is what confuses me. Cooked ham is allowed according to all the official literature, as is fat free yoghurt, what am I missing?

Sididd, thanks for that. Yes I assumed the salt might be an issue but have increased my fluid intake to try and balance it out.
The book was written in France, te ham he refers too is like sheets of plastic and doesn't have all the crap ours has ;) look at the ingredients , a lot have potato starch etc in them . Our yogurts have way too much sugars in them, best to buy the total 0% and sweeten & flavour yourself or make your own
oooh I remember those sheets of plastic well!

It's true that I've snuck the odd slice of ham into my day but it's best not to have it as a staple, convenient as it is.
as i said above Total 0% is the one to have... it can be sweetend and flavoured in all different ways. I bought a lakeland yoghurt maker as did many of the girls and make my own
I started out buying Asda Smart Price LF Yog and then sweetened and flavoured myself...........but after the first month or so I started making my own in my slow cooker, and buy Aldi LF Greek for when I need a thicker yogurt. Plain yog I have for breakkie every morning.
good for you x
Bailey good losses so far xxx
Bailey good losses so far xxx

Not today Sididd :-( up 0.02lb (which i know is nothing) That's the problem with daily weighing! Thought I had a really good day yesterday, had boiled egg, oatbran for breakfast, scrambled egg and salmon for lunch then steak and prawns for tea. Drank 2l weak squash, 1l coffee/tea and 750ml skimmed milk.

Even resisted more cheese/cracker/wine torture!!

Oh well, sticking with it, day 4 attack....
Skimmed milk is limited to 250ml per day , squash is not allowed
Hi Ellie,
Thanks for the reply, as I understand it, Skimmed milk is unlimited in attack, 250mls/day in cruise. Perhaps it was too much for my body, though I would never drink it normally. I felt ill and used it to settle my stomach. If that's caused the minute gain I will take it in the chin as it really helped.

I'm aware that squash isn't allowed so I have it well diluted as I don't like straight water. It hasn't done me any harm for the past 4 days and it keeps my fluid intake high.

Incidentally, do people find their weight changes relate to the previous days menu or is it accumulative? I only ask as in the past, following other plans, when i have indulged in non-friendly foods I found it can take 48 hours for weight changes to occur.
i'm confused as well!! I thought skimmed milk was unlimited in attack, but have also read somewhere that skimmed milk in attack is limited to 1ltre! i'm loving doing Dukan Attack and thankfully like you am nearly at the end of Attack phase. There does seem to be loads of conflicting advice, especially on his own web site!! :sigh:
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It is really confusing YWW, the more I read the more I am finding he talks a lot of cobblers! That said it has helped me refocus, and kick the bad habits I formed in the last 6 weeks!

Day 5, up 1.6lbs! I am not starting cruise, I'm going back to slimming world, I understand the plan and I lost 5 stone with them so it obviously was the right plan for me but would just like to say I appreciate all the help and support people have offered me in the past few days xx
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