Super Nana
So glad I decided to join your Dukan challenge x you are looking fantastic and I think you should post a pic of yourself now xx love you x
I haven't written in here for a good couple of weeks now but still been lurking. My weight has been up 2lb down 2lb every day for a while which has been frustrating but today i'm down an extra 2lb so it's shifting again. Yesterday i was really fed up with the scales not budging.........not thinking about giving up at all but i was definitely sulking! My Mum gave me a talking to and then a customer came i to work and said "my goodness haven't you lost weight!".
This (and my mother) made me realise i need to stop getting so hung up in the numbers! I have lost 37lb!!! . 6 months ago when i was unwell, i had resigned myself that i was going to relly struggle to loose even a stone, and in 17 weeks i have lost 2 1/2 of them. I just need to carry on being patient and stop getting frustrated with the scales. So note to my future self," the scales will move again.......keep doing what you're doing and stop sulking, look at what you have acheived!"
So some positives for where i am at,
I am over 1/2 way now
I am now medically overweight and no longer obese
I fit in to so many of my slim clothes
People are constantly saying how good i look (they can't all be lying)
I am still on track to meet my target for christmas. (this will make me slimmer than i have been for 11 years)