Stabilization Dukandebut steps into the scary unknown...

Well Sue what about my Husband!! I wasn't sure whether to kill him or hug him!! I have been trying to persuade him that I need a tummy tuck - it really is beyond exercise alone! He doesn't see the need and has been very quiet about it but I have just been mentioning it every now and then. Anyway just imagine my horror whilst in a long queue in cafe Nero yesterday he pipes up (in what seemed like a very loud voice) 'If you have your tummy tuck will you need much time off work?'

OMG I felt the whole queue's eyes head towards my midriff and just wanted the ground to swallow me up!!

- but I think I'd be rather chuffed about the bum comment though!
Lausanne - It was a nice little ego boost, I must admit! But now I'll have that song going around in my head all day! ;-)

Mouse - Oh dear. I can imagine your husband being relegated to the dog house (or maybe even the hen house) for a public remark like that - how embarrassing! Having said that, judging from your photos, anyone checking out your midriff was probably thinking that there's no way you need a tummy tuck!
I had quite a surprise when I stepped onto the scales this morning. After forgetting to weigh myself over the last couple of weeks and eating a little more liberally on Stab than I was during Conso, plus not being able to do any exercise other than hobble from chair to chair because of a flare-up in my knee, I fully expected to have put on a few pounds - but no, I'd actually lost a pound since my last weigh-in and am at my second lowest weight. I'm hoping that this will bode well for our holidays.

I'm definitely ordering that Hummingbird Bakery Cook Book now! :) (For occasional treats only, though, as I don't want to get back into old habits.)

Here's the menu for the coming week:

Mo Vicky's cheeseburger pie and mixed salad, followed by crème au choc
Tu Butternut squash soup with cheese and garlic pizza, followed by chocolate truffle torte and single cream
We Roast red pepper beef pasta with Parmesan cheese, followed by crème au choc
Th Em's frittata
Fr Galette, burger, ketchup, grilled onions, gherkin, cheese
Sa Mushroom & tarragon-stuffed chicken with balsamic roast cherry tomatoes and mashed butternut squash, followed by crème au choc
Su Meal out at an Indian restaurant
Thanks, Lausanne. Sorry I've not been around much. Have not been able to sit at the computer for very long as I've now b*ggered both knees. (Why do these things always happen before things like hiking holidays?)

Anyway, I'm getting pretty fed up with not being able to do much and not being able to exercise. I'd normally be stepping up my stamina levels and exercising more in readiness, but not possible, alas. Whilst I'd stuck at the same weight on my last weigh in and my waistband is no tighter, I almost feel as though the lovely muscle toning I had is slipping away from me and there's nowt I can do about it.

Sorry about the moan, just feeling a little frustrated at the moment.

I've also finally sickened myself of toffee muffins and my usual PP lunches (turkey rashers and cottage cheese). Even yoghurts are starting to make me feel sickly. With any luck, it's just because the medication I'm on is making me feel pretty nauseous and I'll get my appetite for boring PP stuff back once I can stop taking them.

On a much happier note, I managed to get to the Indian restaurant (before my other knee went, thankfully!) and it was fantastic. I wasn't even keen on Indian food before, but actually really enjoyed it. Oh, those Peshwari naans!

This week's menu has been (and still is):

Mo Piquant pork stirfry and WM noodles, followed by crème au choc
Tu Chargrilled aubergine soup (my favourite) with cheese and garlic pizza, followed by chocolate truffle torte and single cream
We WM pasta with Bolognese sauce and Parmesan cheese
Th Meatloaf, galette and a gherkin, followed by crème au choc
Fr Galette, burger, cheese, grilled onions, ketchup, gherkin
Sa Winter casserole (seems appropriate, given the weather!) with herb dumplings and mixed root veg mash, followed by chocolate brownie
Su Austrian-style minced beef with broccoli, followed by crème au choc
Aw, jeez sorry to hear that! I know how frustrating it is to feel all the good work you put in exercising is fading - I had a bad whiplash a few years ago and it took a while to build back up the level of fitness but I did and you will too. It's important to focus on healing now.

But, hey you're sticking with Dukan and doing well. Your gala sounded good - love Indian food. I spent three months in India and yum, yum, yum! :)Xx
Hi DD, hope you're ok. I've been busier than a one-armed bass player so not been around lately. Sorry to hear you're not well. I'm not even going to ask what you've been doing to put both knees out.

Seriously, it sounds horrendous, so get well soon. I've been having issues with my knees for a few years, so I know it's unpleasant. Yours must be terrible if you can't even sit at the computer.

By the way, your story about showing porn to the in-laws made me laugh. I even believed you when you said it was an accident.

Thanks, everyone. The knees are much better (for the moment) and I've managed without my braces for a couple of days. Will definitely wear them when I try some exercise, though. I even got some hiking and canoeing done whilst on holiday.

Mark - I only wish the sorry tale of how my bad knees came into being could be something exciting or terribly naughty. Alas, it's mostly Jillian Bloody Michaels' fault - her and her stupid 30 Day Shred DVD. Not helped by the fact that I am one of the most competitive people on the planet (even against myself), so I gave them one heck of a bashing. My arthritis damage was the icing on the knee cap cake, adding up to a recipe for disaster.

As for the porn incident, my in-laws think I'm a terrible influence anyway, so they no doubt thought I was trying to corrupt their innocent son into my wicked, wicked ways. ;-)
Just wanted to give a post-holiday update, especially since it's the one subject which previously most gave me the Dukan heeby-jeebies.

As you may know, I was out in a wilderness region of Canada for most of our hols and was very dubious about being able to continue to stabilise my weight. Here's what happened...

Holidays and special occasions (such as Christmas) have been danger times for me in the past, when I tend to put on weight and end up unable to lose it again. It would all build up and that played a big part in how I came to gain my excess pounds in the first place. So I decided to enjoy myself, but modify my behaviour. I wasn't sure whether I'd be able to do any PP days, though.

In the past, I would have at least 2 (and sometimes 3) desserts a day on holiday. I resolved to have only 1 per day - and managed to keep to this, with the exception of a small extra sweet treat on 2 days.

Bread rolls and butter were also my downfall in the past. This time around, I ate a piece of extra bread on only 3 occasions - and only when they were something really special, such as the Native bannock I'd always wanted to try. I ate a little butter on 1 roll once during the holiday, which is a huge improvement.

Where possible (ie, when I had access to a 'fridge and a food shop), I ate fat-free yoghurt with oatbran for breakfast, although I did have 6 cooked breakfasts. Again, an improvement.

I kept away from sugary drinks (with the exception of a glass homemade blueberry lemonade) and one cocktail. I also only drank about 4 glasses of alcohol during the whole holiday. Crisps were avoided completely, whereas I used to eat a packet almost every day on holiday in the past.

So, I managed to eat well (a greater quantity than usual, too) and enjoyed my food very much, but I didn't go on my usual crazy holiday binge.

Not only that, but I did manage BOTH PP days! Whilst I did feel that I was missing out a bit during my PP days and didn't enjoy them particularly, I was so glad that I did them. In fact, it felt good to counteract the full, slightly bloated feeling from eating to excess by turning to pure protein for one day each week. Even though I wasn't able to follow them perfectly to the letter, I really believe that they helped.

For my first PP day, I ate fat-free yoghurt (it was a fruity one, alas, but I fished out all of the fruit pieces) mixed with oatbran for breakfast. Lunch was some rosemary baked ham (I must have looked so odd eating this out in full view of passersby on a park bench!), followed by fat-free vanilla yoghurt and sugar-free jelly. Dinner was just over half of a whole roast chicken from the supermarket, followed by another little tub of sugar-free jelly.

For my second week's PP day, I ate vanilla fat-free yoghurt with oatbran for breakfast. Lunch was fat-free chicken (tasted nicer than I thought it would) with a hard boiled egg, more vanilla fat-free yoghurt and a small tub of sugar-free yoghurt. For dinner, I was lucky enough to find a fantastic buffet place with fresh cooked food, so I ate an enormous plate of meat (looked like something only a man would normally choose!) with 2 chicken breasts, several large slices of roast beef and a little bit of ham. Back at the hotel, I rounded off the meal with another small tub of sugar-free jelly.

This was the first ever holiday (since I've been over the age of 35 at least) when I came back feeling slim and not looking at least 6 months pregnant. All of my normal clothes still fitted and I didn't have to resort to any "fat clothes".

Of course, the biggest test was when I stepped on the scales on my usual weigh-in day, 3 days after arriving find that I had put on less than 1lb during the whole of our holidays. I'd normally expect to have gained at least 6 or 7lbs.

All I can say is: Dr Dukan, I love you! :)
Gosh DD... how fabulous to read you again. I must have missed the knee episode (ouch!). How are they now? You mentioned arthritis?

I'm really interested to read at how much restraint you actually did exercise on holiday, and how you were rewarded therefor on your return to normality. Exercising restraint where food is concerned on holiday isn't something I'm known for, so reading about yours (and remembering Anja's) is an eye opener to me. And I can well imagine how you felt returning without the need to have your jaw wired up for a month as I usually do!

Don't be a stranger... :)
Thanks, Jo. Had a fair bit of pain last night in one knee, so may have to resort back to a brace. Still, it's great to be able to walk properly again! The arthritis is something that was diagnosed in my very early 20's - it's ankylosing spondylitis, but also comes with some other nasty little complications, such as associated peripheral arthritis in most of my other joints. After the initial 10 years of hell, I've been pretty lucky, though, and most people I meet don't even realise I have the disease (as long as they don't see me during a bad flare-up). My spine hasn't fused and the disease seems to have jumped from my sacro-iliac/lower spine up to my neck, which is good (kind of!)

As for Dukan whilst on holiday, it was an absolute revelation. Such a great, great feeling not to come back all bloated and hating the way I look. Honestly, this made it well worth the effort of those 2 PP days; I'm so glad I did them. The best thing is that I still managed to eat loads of really delicious food (including a 5 course tasting menu!) This meant that I didn't feel I missed out on anything much.

Jo, you look so fabulous in your photos and you must also physically feel so much better since your tremendous weight loss, maybe that could be your best weapon against the awful head hunger? It worked for me, that and the fact that I didn't have to go back to square one and start dieting all over again when I returned home.

I need my treats and I need to enjoy my food, it is (and probably always will be) a big part of my life. It's just getting the balance right and stopping myself when I think my eating is going to spiral out of control. Believe me, I know just how hard it is to slam on those brakes - I could very easily eat things like chocolate until I've almost made myself actually sick (I've done this in the past way too many times).

Anyway, it's good to be back. I'm probably only going to be able to pop by every so often, at least for the time being, but will be sure to give occasional updates. The thought of how I'd manage Stab used to worry me during the previous stages of the diet, so I want to share my experiences and, hopefully, be able to reassure others who are worried about the future on Dukan.
I know as I get to different stages, i'll be scouring the threads for wisdom and tips so posts like yours will be invaluable. :)Xx