Dukanista's Diary: Part III!

Apologies for the highjack but you seem to know a LOT more than me!!

Due to having a coil I've never been aware of TOTM however recently it all started up after a four year absence. Currently I am at that TOTM .... is weight normally affected during this time?

p.s ... I am making an assumption that TOTM actually stands for time of the month, if not this whole post will make no sense lol xx
LOL - welcome to hijack any time, Julie! Yes, the acronym is correct :) I tried to think of something else fun to replace it with, but my mind is blank.

I can't speak for everyone but it does seem pretty common: the average woman can gain quite a few pounds before and during their period. Most of it is due to water retention and should drop off easily at the end. You should be particular wary of salty food at this time, and go for natural diuretics like cabbage and asparagus on pv days. But unfortunately many of us also get cravings (especially for sweet food) because of fluctuating sugar levels (never mind the hormones and emotional eating!) at that time, so it's a double whammy. Plus, seeing the scale moving up when you've been eating really well is a big downer and can trigger binges. So there you go: caro's guide for surviving (that) TOTM!

And now the acronym is bugging me: should it be TTOTM? :) sigh, I'd better stop procrastinating and do some actual work!
Apologies for the highjack but you seem to know a LOT more than me!!

And thanks for the credits, but everything I know comes from the lovely ladies on this forum - I'm just happy to pass on what I've learned from them :)
Still procrastinating... I just looked on Google Translate and found that 'du kan' in Danish means 'you can'. Useless trivia of the day :)
I thought it was named after the Dr who made it all up lol

Thanks for the info on TTOTM lol ... I shall avoid the scales this week. And the fridge. And the crisp cupboard.

I don't think I was hungry until I read that it might make me hungry. Now I'm ravenous lol.

I know what you mean about procrastinating. Having one of those days myself. Well not quite, I am on a conference call while typing this! Ah the joys of working from home!
Just went out to the supermarket and to run some errands. Made a few interesting discoveries that I'm keen to try:

- tinned pumpkin (Libby's) - I love my pumpkin pudding but hate peeling, boiling and mashing them. I found this tin of solid pumpkin in the baking section: no sugar, salt, flavorings or preservatives, and the nutritional value looks just like unadulterated pumpkin. So that's tomorrow's pv dessert!
- powdered egg whites - a lot of dukan recipes ask for egg whites, and I hate separating them and then having to find a use for the yolks. I was actually looking for the liquid, but the sachets will last much longer.
- soda stream flavored syrups: ok, I don't have a soda stream (had one maaaaany years ago and it was great!) but I came across the new range of syrups and they have a fantastic selection of sugar free and diet versions: ginger beer, raspberry/ cranberry, lemon/lime... Seems to be a lot more variety than normal cordials, and I think these will also work really well as ice cream/ frozen yoghurt flavors.

Maybe we need a 'supermarket treasures' thread? :)
Lunch was beef bolognese with shirataki noodles. Tasted good, but I can say now that shirataki should NOT be frozen and reheated. The texture became very stringy and the noodles had lost much of their moisture. So in future I'll just freeze the meat mix and then add the noodles before eating, giving them around 4-5 minutes together on low heat to absorb the flavors.

We live and learn :)
Good plan for the challenges - They don't seem as big once you put them out there, but they loom mighty in your subconscious :)
TOTM challenges are always tricky because you do tend to stall and you normally deal with bigger cravings, more emotional wibbley-wobbley stuff, and just general blech which leads to lack of motivation. A lot of us (especially me) deal with TOTM challenges by eating chocolate, crisps, ice cream and a bit more alcohol. My TOTM hit right after I re-started so I was in attack and it was a kicker. I came out of my office, screamed at my husband and said I've had 6 pain pills and its not taking the edge off, I'm having a vodka and don't give me any @#! about it. I had one, (vodka and ice only), the cramps abated and I went on with my day. Lost 2 lbs that day, so I didn't confess it here until today :)
Lol, sander, love your TOTM story :)

Luckily I don't get cramps but did my fair share of screaming at hubby this weekend!

My restart was a week before TOTM, so luckily I made some good ground on attack beforehand, otherwise I might have got stuck there and then.

It sounds like you exercised a lot of restraint with that vodka :)
Hmm, only partial success on the first challenge. I ran late and didn't get to eat enough before the event, so ended up having a few nibbles. Not much - 5 or 6 thumb sized pieces: lamb skewers and salmon with cream cheese. And I skipped the bubbly and had sparkling water. But still, it didn't need to happen at all.

I did get some good work done this afternoon, though. Baked muffins for the week ahead and made another batch of ice cream, which worked a bit better than the first (although the choc mint is still my favorite flavor so far). I mixed up 2 cups of gelatine with some sf raspberry syrup, a splash of lime juice and some Splenda. Then added that to total 0% natural yoghurt and fromage frais and whipped with a hand blender. It didn't all freeze to the bowl this time and poured really easily. Tasted pretty good too!
Interesting stuff... I have no idea when my TOTM is as I don't get periods any more with the pill I'm on! I suppose I should note down the dates when I'm more fanciful than others and see whether there's a pattern!
I always freeze my shirataki noodles IN the Bolognese sauce they're cooked in and haven't noticed any difference when I defrost and reheat...

Tip for when at aperitive/nibble functions. Put a sugar free gum in your mouth... it's impossible to eat anything through it!

I always have a stash of Dukan ok yoghurts in my freezer and, each evening, I take one out, let it defrost a little for 15 mins or so, and then spend half an hour scraping at it! Lovely!

You sound like a real globe trotter!
Lamb skewers and salmon with cream cheese sound like stuff I make at home - sounds tasty and dukanish to me :) Last night I whipped up a mousse like thing with yogurt, sugar free jello, and sugar free cool whip - I guess we were both in the mood for something that tasted and felt like a treat :)
I like that - dukanish indeed! Your mousse sounds delicious. I wouldn't survive dukan without the sweet stuff!
I always freeze my shirataki noodles IN the Bolognese sauce they're cooked in and haven't noticed any difference when I defrost and reheat...

Tip for when at aperitive/nibble functions. Put a sugar free gum in your mouth... it's impossible to eat anything through it!

Hmmm, I'll have to try freezing the noodles again and see if the problem was something else. Glad to know this might still work! Although I think we established that my shirataki noodles are different as they aren't the fishy kind :)

Thanks for the gum tip! I think this will work for 9 out of 10 occasions but not when networking and you have to talk to a lot of people! But maybe chewing the gum just beforehand? My hubby brushes his teeth after lunch and that stops him snacking, so it's worth a try!
Off to sleep now after a lush pv day:

Muffins and yoghurt
Cherry tomatoes, turkey tikka slices and cottage cheese
Ham, laughing cow extra lite, carrots and sweet peppers
Pumpkin pudding

Didn't weigh today but I'm so tempted to sneak a peak tomorrow...

It's true that, after dinner, I often brush my teeth to signal "THE END". (Who wants to eat through minty breath?!!)

Lamb? Dukan? Nah! (My favourite meat unfortunately!!)
Those skewers sound great though...

Yeah, I know. Not strictly dukan but better than some of the pastry options :) and they were tiny! Not really skewers, the server described them as 'lamb lollipops': a little cube of lamb on a mini skewer, dipped in raspberry sauce. I avoided the sauce :)
I didn't even realise we could have dairylea I've been missing cheese so much, off to the shops I think tonight :D x
Just check before you load up the trolley, Em. Not sure if the 'light' ones are allowed as they have around 7% fat. Laughing cow extra light is almost fat free so that's the best. And I think 1 baby bel light is tolerated. I need to check the book!