Joodle, fitting dukan into the Real World IS pretty scary, and believe me, i was holed up in my apartment for the first few weeks. but it's important to get out, otherwise the diet is controlling your life.
baby steps, girl! try eating beforehand so you aren't hungry. order soda and lemon slices which look like a 'real' drink. switch your schedule so you go out on PV days. build up a list of 'easy standbys': salad, steak, fish, chicken, sashimi (all with sauce on the side). and soon you'll be branching out: chinese, indian, thai and other 'shared' meals are pretty easy, as long as you order a few things for yourself that are safe. and let everyone else fill up on their kormas.
it's tough at first, but now i'd much rather have a slow week and still have a social life (just ignore my previous whinges about 'only' losing 300g!)
you'll be fine: you're already managing at work, right? or am i hearing an avoidance tactic for the dating? :candledinner: