Dukanista's Diary: Part III!

Phew! I did it: 3 days of alternate fasting this week, 2 cycles, and minimum bad food. Weight mid 57s again and hoping for a good result by Monday.

Happy weekend everyone!

Shelly, how can you be done with Shaun? That's very fickle of you... :)

60 days with any man is quite enough! I think I'll jump back on the Insanity Train on the run up to Christmas, but for now, I have my sights set on the Tunis Half Marathon ;)

Fingers crossed for your weigh in the morning - hope you see a good result!
FYI Madmission

Eating the levels of protein that we do on Dukan can cause the body not to go into Ketosis - just found this on a website -

The trick is not only to avoid all obvious sourced of carbohydrate (sweets, bread, spaghetti, rice, potatoes), but also to be careful with your protein intake. If you eat large amounts of meat and eggs, the excess protein will convert into glucose in the body. Large amounts of protein can also raise your insulin levels which in turn compromises ketosis.

I don't think on Dukan we should necessarily be in ketosis anyway as this is normally assocaiated with very low cal diets where you are expected to lose between 5-7 lbs a week. On cruise you should only be losing 2lbs a week average so the body does not need to be in ketosis for this to happen.

That's my amateur understanding anyway!
I never bothered with stix but always felt I must be in ketosis as my breath wasn't good! And, from day 3 on, I was never hungry...

I am a HUGE fitbit fan too, and am now going to google the Scales Matt mentions. As a competitive person, I'm constantly trying to beat my targets and am far more active now that I have it (and even walk in rain! haaaa!)

Amazon have them at £20 off - not sure if I am allowed to post links here for that?

My email is in my profile if you need info.
Hi Matt,

Thanks for the advice! You can always send someone a private message instead of posting in the forums, btw - no need for email (but thanks!).

So... I've been a bit quiet recently, I know. Feeling a bit disheartened, really. After months of rocking this fasting thing (to quote Shelly!), I seem to be struggling to keep the weight off, never mind lose any more. (I'm hovering just under 58kg right now). Possible causes:
- overcompensating and bad eating on the non fast days (I am supposed to be dukanning...)
- my body has gotten used to the fasting and has decided to turn off my metabolism
- less exercise than before
- hormones / totm gain?

Anyway, enough is enough, so this week I have
- gone out and bought a jawbone up24 fitness tracker
- started religiously logging my meals in mfp
- ordered a set of withings wireless scales (found them half price online!)
- made a concerted effort to up the exercise

Sadly, after 5 days, MFP is confirming what I already suspect, i.e. that by now the fasting is not really creating much of an overall calorie deficit... And that I'm eating too much salt, and too many hidden carbs and sugar. And that it's very easy to eat an entire day's worth of calories in an evening meal, which is kind of defeating the purpose.

So yes, I can do this thing, but I need to keep on track for the other 5 days of the week, and also not go overboard when I end the fast either.

But with the fitness tracker telling me how much I'm moving, and my weight being synced automatically from my new scales, there's nowhere to hide anymore. So watch this space!!

On the plus side, I'm getting into my horseriding again and had an amazing hour and a half evening ride today. I'll have to take my tracker off next time, though, as it's given me credit for walking something like 20km today, which I'm fairly sure was the horse and not me :)

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Wow!! You are being electronically analysed with your every gulp & move.....I feel so last century :(

Well done on working out why your not losing!! And being honest with yourself ...(that I struggle with)...and getting back in the saddle (no pun intended) :0

Well done & keep us updated

Thanks gorgeous, you'll be the first to know! Cxx
So, I've been on a bit of a mission this week... I watched a 2 documentaries this weekend, one called Hungry for Change, and the other a Ted.com talk by Jamie Oliver from 2010 (teach every child about food).

(The film is on netflix and I think you can see clips on YouTube. http://www.hungryforchange.tv/)

It's a little bit 'hollywoodised', as many of these films are, but still quite an eye-opener about the evils of the food industry, and explaining why it's so difficult for us to stay healthy. The argument is that the food giants are acting like the tobacco companies did a few decades ago, by intentionally keeping us addicted to sugar, while at the same time making a fortune selling us diet products that don't work (they claim that artificial sweeteners mess with our insulin production and ultimately make us crave sugar and carbs even more).

For me, it drove home the message that we really ARE what we eat: the top causes of death (in western countries) are diet-related (heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes...), yet we spend more time worrying about bombs, plane crashes, murder (which are out of our control)... We spend a fortune on medicines, beauty products, etc. to try and patch up issues from the outside which could be easily solved from the inside. And so much of this is being driven by the media and the marketing giants telling us how we should look, what we should feel, and encouraging us to spend spend spend.

etc etc etc.

Off my soapbox now, but it has pushed me to make a few resolutions:

- ditch the artificial sweeteners as far as I can
- start a gradual detox by introducing 'super greens' (chlorellla, spirulina, etc.), juices, etc.
- increase my fruit and veg intake (I used to eat more of these pre-dukan...)
- cut out refined sugar as far as humanly possible
- limit the amount of processed food I'm buying, and go for whole / raw / real foods
- support local, organic, sustainable small producers
- remember that most of the elements of good health are completely FREE! Sleep, good breathing, walking, stress reduction, laughter, socializing, sunshine, water, eating less / fasting...

I know I'm guilty of being manipulated just like everyone else: I suspect that the current craze of personal data and the 'quantified self' is just another commercial trigger causing us to rush out and buy fitbits, wireless scales, etc. BUT I do also think it's making us more aware of ourselves, which is good.

Phew, rant over! On the weight front, I've continued logging in MFP and this week is looking much better. It confirms that the simple action of logging your food makes you eat less. So hopefully a decent weightloss to report by the time my new scales arrive!

Happy Thursday, everyone,

Thanks for the Documentary tips! I downloaded Hungry for Change last night, gonna watch it tonight.
I'll let you know what I think!

I have been cutting out processed meats this week - avoiding the deli counter like the plague. I just can't seem to ditch the Diet cokes and chewing gum, but I know I'll get there eventually ;)
Mmwah! Hugs to both of you. Interested to hear what you think.

I'm definitely not all the way there yet, though. I still haven't kicked the sugar free gum completely, but I have reduced the amounts I'm chewing. And no diet coke at all last week, replaced with lots of wheatgrass and spirulina shakes. I think the whoosh fairy is in shock, though... :)

My wireless scale arrived this weekend and so far it's showing exactly the same weight (down to decimals!) as the old one - so no chance of blaming the other one for being inaccurate! Amazing, though: I just get on the scales in the morning and it updates to my mfp profile!

As part of my newly quantified life, I've also started using an app called 'pact', where you actually make a financial pledge for keeping your health goals! If you miss a goal, your money goes into the pot, and if you complete a goal, you get money from everyone else! Very motivating... Although I'm sure I won't win more than a pound or two :) Anyway, my first pact involves:
- completing 5 workouts a week (hitting my 10,000 steps a day target counts)
- eating 5 healthy fruits or veggies a week (you have to take a picture of your food and the community votes on it!)
- logging my meals 5 days a week in mfp

I have to admit, my favorite part of it is voting on everyone else's photos. There are some truly odd people out there. Lentils and rice as a vegetable??!

So far I haven't missed a day - I've even been going out for a quick walk after dinner to hit my step target, so it's definitely having an effect. As for the weight... Well, it has been creeping down slowly. I had a big evening of eating and drinking on the weekend which caught up with me this morning, but i had a good fast day today and a very healthy, low cal dinner to end it off, so cross fingers tomorrow will see me close to 57kg. And then 56 in sight by the end of the week!

So goodnight lovely ladies and hoping your week is off to an amazing start!

Caro! I LOVED the documentary.

It was so interesting, I have recommended it to a load of people! It had some really interesting points, and really sold the case for eating whole real foods.

I too got a wave of guilt about the Diet Coke. It's my total crutch. I find it so embarrassing here because it's marketed completely differently. Most of my friends are African and see "fizzy drinks" as something you give children. I often get looks when I order it at tables. But they're right. I shouldn't go out to a nice restaurant and order that slime. I just can't seem to help myself. I even had one today.

It's the sort of thing I need to wean myself off, and with this diet, it's been a bit of a "pick your battles" situation - but now I'm entering consol, I reckon it's probably time to address this.

Also that Daniel Vitalis is pretty dapper ;) Even if he does want us eating bugs...

I love the idea of monetised rewarding, there alot of this thing "diet bet" going on too. I really love the online dieting community :)

Glad you've got your head back in the game. xx
Woohoo! 56.9kg on the scale today. And it's Friday!! Cx


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Thanks lovely ladies. 1 week from now I'll be on the beach in Italy, so I'm going to try and be good as gold for the last stretch!

Made yummy chocolate dukan muffins this morning to start the weekend. Barbecue at home today but as long as I stay off the bread and alcohol it should all be good.

I cycled twice this week and on all the other days I hit my 10,000 step target, so logging the activity really is giving me an extra push.

I only did 1 fast day this week, though, and I'm thinking about switching back to dukan for a bit. I'm getting the feeling that dieting is like exercise: we have to switch things up because our bodies are incredibly adaptive: we lose quickly at the start of a new diet, but then after a while our bodies start burning calories more efficiently. Or something like that!

More conspiracy theories for you this morning from a new site I came across:


The first one calls into question the calorie deficit formula (you have to cut exactly 3500 cals to lose a pound) and asks why so many government organizations, health websites, etc. quote this as scientific fact without any idea where it comes from, or any evidence that it works. The second one describes a year-long study into low carb and low fat diets, and shows that low carb dieters do way better than people cutting out fat, regardless of the calories they consume. Food for thought...

Right then: snooze o'clock for me!

Catching up on my reading! Very interesting info there Caro. I too am looking at reducing/cutting out Diet Coke and all sodas ... It does make things more complicated when out for the evening looking to avoid alcohol as, over here, diet coke is one thing you can find out. Otherwise it'll be water for me which would be a drag! So latest is to cut out drinking it at home which will be a great start!

I'm interested to see you too are using MFP (I'd love to add you as a friend but haven't a clue how to do it! MP me your ID and tell me how?!!). As for logging activity and counting steps etc, it's very motivating (and even addictive in the right sense... I had to work late the other night - I always start early and cut lunch hour down but rarely work after my time - my first thought was "oh good I don't have to walk home" but did I feel good for forcing myself! YEAH!

It'll soon be your holiday... I logged my food for the first 7 days of mine, only totally losing the plot on day 8 of 9...
Hi all!

Quick hello to say I'm back from holidays with a suntan and a whopping 2.5 extra kilograms! Ouch!! But I was stuck on a boat with a bunch of pasta and bread mad Italians and really just had to go with the flow. On pp for a few days / weeks / months now to try and reduce the damage (just kidding Jo) :)

On the positive side I only have 3 days of work this week. Hooray!

Hope you're all well and have been more disciplined than me! I'll catch up with your diaries soon,
