I'm thinking of starting the dust again... Today :S eeeekkk bit scary :S Still trying to decide at the moment, part of me is saying before Christmas? While you have a load of nice food in the house? And part is saying just bloody do it! I'd rather be slim than eat the food at this minute so why not just go for it. :S What do you think guys? A big part of me is saying that this should be my last attempt though as I've had too many attempts and this and failed to stick to it many times, so if I really can't do it this time then maybe I shouldn't try again after this. Think I might be talking myself into it
I have about 6 stone to lose and I really need it gone as I have health issues to the point where I am disabled at the moment and my movement is severely limited and my weight can only be adding to this problem so could really do with getting it gone! also I look hideous I have no neck my face just blurs into my chest like some Star Wars character (the know the one and it ain't pretty) I had to have surgery on my hand the other week and the surgeons had to remove my wedding ring, I've been married two years and put on so much weight it took two of them and a lot of soap and wires and pulling to get it off, there is no way of getting it back on and I nearly had to have it cut off
oh the shame!! So I can't even wear my wedding ring. Think I will start today, start with a WS day packs and chicken salad. Is anymore else still around or have you all disappeared as it's so close to Christmas? X All advice/opinions greatly received.