Eat, Sleep, Weigh, Repeat'

If i drink too much im constantly weeing! I did challenges but stopped at 50 secs during plank quickly for a rest. Found it tough today!
Emotional- check
In pain-check
Betty crocker chocolate icing on toast-check

Yep deffo feel like a female today :(


Third totm this month is getting on my nerves! Stress related i guess. Im home from work feelung mega sorry for myself
Was ok. I really fancied curry but had no meat or potatoes. Im using the sauce for tea on pork chops. Not sure what with. We hardly have any food and shopping wont come till tuesday night!
We have 4 sausages to use for tomorrow. But other than that no. I have a bit of cash so will pop to shops saturday morning
Yeah we have pasta and one pack of cous cous. 4 days to get through lol i might do toad in the hole tomorrow. Or homemade cheese and onion pizza
Breakfast- half a tin of beans on wm toast hexb

Lunch- broccolli soup. Muller light.

Snack- banana. Alpen light (3)

Tea- pizza. I will either use smash. Or make dough and class that as my syns.

Dog walk

Squat challenge- 110- without stopping!
Plank challenge-1.5 min eeekkkk! I had to stop evrry 30 seconds. Struggling now!

Is it just me who feels guilty eating two bananas in one day?!
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