Eating While on Lipotrim - My theory... xx

Hi, I had my first weigh in today and lost five pounds, I just had a small tin of tuna in brine, 3 slices of low fat cheddar cheese from the block and i had a packet of crisps, will this effect my weight loss? or kick me out of ketosis, i am going to be good for the rest of the week, think if i can add in some extra exercise . it will burn of that cheat meal, the fact that i ate is mentally tormenting me now, but i wont go off the wagon, i will just pick myself up not eat anything for the rest of the night and continue with a usual shake in the morning, anybody have this experience before and carried on successfully loosing the weight?? Cheers thanks
loulou2013 !!!! Youll be sent to hell for that! lol....... If it works for you then thats your decision! All i would say is though, that if you do eat and continually dip in and out of Ketosis, a) it isnt particualrly good for you and b) you'll lose 1-2 lbs a week! and lets face it, you could lose 1-2 lbs a week by eating healthy and walking more! And it wont cost you £36 a week.

Try not to eat.... at the end of the day, your not cheating Lipotrim, your cheating yourself!.....Keep Going #thinsperation x

Won't know how this will effect your weight loss next week or whether you'll come out of ketosis. Put this behind you and move on. The closer you can stay to 100% gives you the most chance of losing the most weight while on LT. Keep going x x x

Won't know how this will effect your weight loss next week or whether you'll come out of ketosis. Put this behind you and move on. The closer you can stay to 100% gives you the most chance of losing the most weight while on LT. Keep going x x x

Well said Teapot! xx
OK, so if you wanted to 'cheat' and have a bit of food instead of a shake..what would you have?

Thinking of something easy to take to work, where I can't make the shakes

Was wondering around Waitrose today, looking at low carb high protein ready to eat snacks..Not talking or wanting full meals, just something instead of a shake.
A pack of 'Unearthed Beef Biltong' 40 grams total weight =102 calories and 0.5 gram carb.
Or those kids Cheese string 20 gram packs comes in very similar.

Anyone got any other ideas?