Well, what a difference a few months makes. I've been away from Mini's for a long time and been off the wagon too.
The last few months have been great for me in terms of enjoying life but not in terms of weight. I've been in Germany spending a semester abroad since March. When I first got here I stuck to WeightWatchers religiously and lost the weight that I had put back on. And then...i got lax and managed to get back to 18stone 6 lbs. *sigh*
It's weird reading back over my posts how into it i was and how i kind of just gave up. Well, I've decided to get back on plan now. Looking at pictures of me in my first month here when i looked quite slim to now are really shocking. So, meals will all be planned in. Walks are to become a regular thing (there are some great walking areas around here to explore). I'm going to take it slowly this time. My goal is to lose 6 stone by my graduation in 2012. I'm not going to set myself weekly targets as I know I will use these as an excuse to binge if I don't do well one week.
So, I look forward to being back on Mini's and I'm in it for the long haul this time.