I'm doing something similar, I had to start right again, as I didn't do my a levels so a year of college, now I'm 2nd yr in joint honours in childhood studies and early years, then hopefully I'll get onto my masters in psychoanalytical observational studies which is 3 years, then another 4 years medical training in child psychotherapy, the last 4 is paid tho and I'd get a phd at the end so it's more like a job. Scary! But good as I could go anywhere in the world after it to work, which would be super cool! I got my first 70 yesterday in an essay, so pretty happy at the mo! Yay!
You'll be great, have a look on the prospects website as it'll tell you what you need, saying thy you probably already have! New careers are exciting! I spent like 10 years doing crap jobs I hated now I'm really looking forward to the future xx
Yeh I went totally off the rails food from before I moved house up til last week WOOPS!
So about 12lb over target boo :-( so silly! Just restarted on Friday and not following any plan at the moment decided to ease myself back into it by just tracking food and trying to be sensible. X
Hi hun,
(I hope you don't mind me replying to you on here, I didn't want to but in on Vintagepockets diary)
It's so nice to hear about your studies as i've often kicked myself for not studying A-levels after school and going to University. I'm 23 and although I know i'm still young, i'd convinced myself that it was too late, as most people my age are now settling into there careers, as i'd be beginning.
Although it might be a couple of years before I can go back into education, it's nice to know there's nothing wrong with restarting a career (at ANY age) and studying as a mature student.
Good luck with your studies and SW journey. I'll be subscribing!xxx