Hey Lady AWOL!
I'm so easily led astray when I've had a good run too, doesn't take me a lot!
And I have no idea what is with my need to consume- I realised this avo though I don't even think I'm hungry??? So why do i need to eat? Can't be boredom as I have so muh to do!!
Camping was lovely thanks
apart from arriving in torrential rain having driven for two hours! We got the tent up and I cooked a Charl special - chicken, bns and spinach curry for everyone
love that recipe!
Was a really nice break and the last two days were glorious sunshine so well worth it
Went to see the doc today to have my implant taken out, as I'd mentioned, and was gonna talk about the copper coil as you'd suggested.. Came out with the copper coil fitted (ouchy ow
feeling better now) and gotta go back for the implant to come out in a couple of weeks! Was completely not psyched up for it, but glad it's over and done with! Now to get rid of the hormones... Fingers crossed
Wi tomorrow and hoping the holiday damage not too bad..
When you're ravenous and on plan what do you munch? I've stuck to carrots and fruit today (totally in satisfying!), and was doing red as wi tomorrow, but in hindsight should have filled up on a green..??
Loving your blog Hun, looking fab xx