Thank you Karen! Yes I feel super at the moment. You know I had this plateau for over a year and I can now see success. That really helps me through the down days! Knowing that it does show, that I do actually achieve something.
I personally don't count fat, Karen, others do though. I think it is important to count fat if you tend to eat fatty foods. I try to say no to most fatty foods these days. A sandwich from Greggs is a big NO for me these days, simply because I don't know what stuff the put one. Fair enough they might say 466 cal but at the end of the day I have to trust them that they really only put the amount of mayo on that they're supposed to put on if you know what I mean. I hardly eat bread either (on my down days anyway) but if I do I make my own sandwiches because then I know what exactely I put on and how much. And if I buy a sandwich I go for the no-mayo or no-marge option. Funny enough, I haven't had a sandwich in ages and I don't fancy one either.
It is a shame how many calories are in a slice of bread, don't you agree?