Yup two days down i swear it gets harder every time, have to say though feeling better about myself already, i think its the doing something about it thing makes you feel thinner lol
omg though i need to find things to take my mind off it last night it was looking up about slim and save tonight its trawling tinerweb for new hobbies might take up cross stitch how rock and roll am i ??
Thanks Dee i certainly will now...Slim and Save has arrived and just in time for breakfast ummmm banana shake tastes like yazoo amazing !! Must refrain from trying them all this morning lol
So far so good so far this week ! Scales already showing a 7 lb loss since Monday phew!! Found a brilliant new distraction technique pictures ( day 1 and 2) attached ! .. Hope you are all being good girls xx
Thanks true I can't tell you what a relief it is to be back on track have been trying and failing for a while now but this is the furthest I have got and once you have got this far it becomes so much easier as you know !!
This is the design ( my real life name is Rebecca hence the r ) going to turn it into a cushion once I have finished should keep me busy for a while 14 thousand and something stitches !!
Lilac ...you've got the same name as my daughter and spelt the same way. That's going to look lovely and what a great reminder everytime you look at the cushion
I know what you mean about re-starting and then having the comfort of a diet that you know works!!! I'm sure you'll be doing fab as you did last time round ...have a good journey x x x
whoo hoo well and truly back on the wagon Thank you Dee and True S & S is a winner indeed, so glad i always cave to peer pressure lol feeling uber good today and the cross stich is coming along beautifully
Ha ha Dee it was going so well then last week i was working ridiclarse hours on some award shows at a hotel on park lane and by hour 18 of 20 on the third day i caved. So stupid, especially as the food we get there is gross Lambbeef (because no one knows what it is) mystery white vegetable (again because no one can tell what it should be) and squeaky beens (so over cooked that they squeak when you eat them). Oh well back to it now and so far so good, i'm a bit nervous for the next few weeks as i am off to work on a festival away from home,away from my scales, away from a microwave and surrounded by food vans but i'm going to give it my best shot. *fingers crossed my will power holds out*