ellies dukan diary the next step Cruise

Pony has had a reprieve.... Covered in snow here and still snowing !!! Major hangover urghhhhh as woke at 4 and not been able to get back to sleep ... Need lots of coffee today


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Snow - Ugh - cold here but the sun is shining for once.

How's the head? get ya bum on the rayburn with a big mug of black coffee in one hand and a big fat muffin (dukan) in the other :) :) :)
Ellie - amazing on the weight loss but about the wine - what else to say but I hope it tasted amazing and was good fun!!! LOL. Bet your glad of the snow with your hangover!!!! Said pony will be happy to go and get muddy again!!! Hope you have a good dukan day with your hangover - at least it is a PV day so you can fill up on loads of veg!!! Hope the snow doesn't get too bad and you get snowed in and if you do that you have loads of food in!
we had a run to the show after a few cups of coffee & a couple of muffins, glad we made the decision to leave pony at home as the roads were icy and we lost the backend on the landrover a couple of times.... doesnt bare thinking about what could have happened towing. I did however have a carrot cake cupcake at the show as my friend makes the most amazing cakes lol. rest of the day has been good

PV, sunday
B- 2 passion fruit muffins & quark icing
L- stew
D- salmon carrots & broccoli
s- muffin
lovely picture and excellent weight loss! :D
thanks jo... that was out my small kitchen window of the side garden.... not quite so much snow today but temps were supposed to be around 9 degrees... however its a very cold wind and my neighbour informed me this morning he thinks it will snow again ..... I wish it would just freeze again as then theres no mud LOL

ive got a monster headache today and feel quite anxious for no reason :( I do however feel quite skinny so I will stay on track today :D
wish id stayed in bed this morning :( came in from doing the stables to make lunch and the cat has knocked my iphone of the kitchen worksurface and it landed facedown on the tiles floor.... the screen is in a million bits
Arghh bad times :( Ellie. I am also wishing it would freeze hard as I don't apreciate the state of my horses when I turn them out in this weather! x
o dear bad luck with the iphone :( now you know why you were feeling anxious! Its not Friday 13th is it? Some days are just like that, now if I was you I'd have probably gone back to bed by now just in case....
nope not insured.... hubby thinks i dropped it on purpose and blamed the cat as im after the latest iphone. this ones 2 years old so has lasted me well..... I lost it last week and hunted everywhere for it...then went out to the yard with hubby ringing it and found it in one of the horses feedbuckets..... it had been licked clean :eek: lol

apart from that have had a good dukan day apart from the munchies again.... always seem to have the munchies on pp days. have had a bath to keep me out of the fridge as im not hungry.... just want to eat and been between fridge and cuboards all day hoping something nice would apear lol

monday PP
Breakfast- 2 passion fruit muffins & passion fruit quark icing, 2 black coffees
Lunch- salmon & a portion of sf jelly
Dinner- 2 venison burgers & cottage cheese
snacks- turkey & a muffin
Well the poor iPhone had had it's 9 lives poor thing!!! Gotta get the new one now!!! Well done for sticking to the plan today when you had the munchies - Ellie has her Dukan mojo back - yay!!! Won't mention the wine or the cupcake as totally understandable!!! LOL. Hope the snow has gone and the ground isn't too muddy! Lovely sun here today but bet it will be miserable tomorrow when I get back to work. Bought some more new clothes today - all size 16 apart from one top which is a 12!!! LOL - obviously a big one but might wear the label on the outside! LOL x
Sorry to change the subject, but I used the recipe someone recommended with the salmon and celeriac mash , I didn't mind the mash but it doesn't stay warm like potato , so not totaaly impressed with it.
Any way I have a bit of raw celeriac left, do you think its ok for my horse to eat?
Also I know I should be pleased but my favourite jodphurs , Townend ones are now too big and baggy on me ...so bit gutted!!
i use mines over the week so cant say whether the horses would eat it lol.
nice morning here even though its a bit damp... warming up nicely..think its to be 9 degrees today and by later on in the week 14 :p must look the bikini out haha. My lovely son is coming for the weekend... he text last night to say hes booked tickets can we get him at the bus station in aberdeen so that will be nice.... but he will eat me out of house and home LOL

Im feeling less anxious today... no idea why it came on but wasnt a nice feeling. Hubby text this morning to say he wtached the tutorial on how to change the iphone screen and he will be able to do it so ive ordered a new screen from ebay. handy having an electrical engineer sometimes lol.

He announced last night he wanted chicken salad for dinner... how boring so im going to do mines with mushrooms & broccoli and a sauce and top it with mash :) bet he will want mines haha
Sorry to change the subject, but I used the recipe someone recommended with the salmon and celeriac mash , I didn't mind the mash but it doesn't stay warm like potato , so not totaaly impressed with it.
Any way I have a bit of raw celeriac left, do you think its ok for my horse to eat?
Also I know I should be pleased but my favourite jodphurs , Townend ones are now too big and baggy on me ...so bit gutted!!

Mine love celleriac, turnip, parsnip, carrot well actually any root veg! x
Was gonna say any root veg sounds good to horses!! Ours get a variety of veg as and when in season!!! Sorry about your jodhs Georgie but sell them on e-bay so someone else can get good use of them!!! Don't waste them! Ah how nice to have your son home Ellie - best get to the shops and fill the larder!!!! Ahhh no new i phone - darn it - good it can be repaired but that iPhone 4 was surely calling your name! Your dinner sounded lovely - hope hubby enjoyed his chicken salad and didn't have the cheek to steal yours!!! PV day for me tomorrow - looking forward to it -heehee - also my only night in so get to relax - mind you might just attack the ironing which is getting a bit out of hand!!! LOL! Can you believe it, all my nails broke today at work - one day mucking out after my holiday and I had to come in and cut them all as literally all of them were snagged or cracking - grrrr - I can say I had nice nails for a week anyway!!! Rode today for the first time for 8 days or so - you would have thought I hadn't been on a horse for years - god my butt hurt at the end - defo need to stick to that seat cover!!! Think my bum has lost all it's padding! LOL
my bum has definately lost its padding as have my legs LOL

Hubby said to me on monday I looked anorexic on sunday at the show as my size12 jeans went baggy on my legs im still not convinced they are a true size 12 :p when im down the road in a couple of weeks im gonna drag the old suitcase out that has the really skinny jeans from when i was a tennager in and see how they fit then i will know what true size i am
Ohhh that will be exciting - bet those skinny jeans are the original ones from the eighties!!! LOL. Weather rubbish here - just pants, blowing a hooly and the horses are all over the place!! Vets have just cancelled their visit due to a colic surgery which is annoying but coming tomorrow instead! Feel a bit better today - was so lacking in energy yesterday - looking forward to my PV day very much!!! LOL You must be getting towards a size 12 Ellie - love it that your hubby thinks you look anorexic!! Hope the weather is better with you (unlikely I know). I am off to ride the last horse of the day and then get some lunch - hope he's not too spooked by the wind! LOL x
ive been aiming to look anorexic all my life LOL well not really just a slim but still curvy figure which i finally think i almost have. I still have stables to do but been procrasinating all day lol... breezy but dry today & just had lunch so im off out to burn some calories.

been scouring some of the oppositions recipe threads and have found a recipe for sweet & sour sauce that may just work so think i will try it tommorrow :D