Oh dear, nearly a week since my last post and food diary. I'm not doing too well this week. I was on annual leave from work this week but had nothing planned (as have no money!) and I think being at home so much and being bored really hasn't helped with the healthy eating.
My parents are away at the moment, so hubby and I went up to their house on Wednesday after weigh to pick up our dog (they look after her in the school holidays) and we stayed the night. Then on Thursday I got my hair cut then we came home late Thursday evening. I always struggle when I go to my parents because all the bad eating habits that I used to have when I lived at home come flooding back. Luckily there wasn't much food in the house but I still managed to find a few biscuits and chocolates to munch on while I was bored. Then when we got home it was late and I was tired and couldn't be bothered cooking anything, so we got a takeaway pizza

It was a seriously good pizza though and to be honest I didn't feel that bad eating it which is a bad thing because now I want more!!
I'm hoping to be fully back on track now, from today. But I feel a bit out of my stride with the diet at the moment and it might take a bit of getting back into it. I think part of the reason for the blip was my result at weigh in on Weds. I stayed the same, which is probably to be expected after losing 4.5lbs in the first 2 weeks, and I'm not consciously bothered by that, but obviously deep down I guess it has affected me a bit. Also hubby and I have got money worried at the moment which is very stressful and causes friction between us which I really hate
Only 17 weeks till Xmas, which isn't much at all! Even if I lost 1lb a week I wouldn't get anywhere near target for the new year. Oh well, just gotta try my hardest and accept that I'm not going to be target for xmas, but I will be closer. Maybe 11stone would be a more realistic goal for then. Then tackle the remaining stone in the new year.
Oh gosh, ramble over. Just got all sorts swimming around in my head at the moment. Food diaries will recommence from today....hopefully.....