Emily's Journey to a Jawline - including food pics!

They do say you should aim to have a minimum of 5 syns a day you know - treat yourself to a freddo extra each day!!! x
Haha, that's true. I'm going to buy some low syn snacks in the next food shop I think. I love freddos! :D

Change of plans already to this week's meal plan. My MiL is coming over for dinner tomorrow, so I've jiggled it around a bit so that the plan is now:

Saturday: Spicy pork steaks, rice, salad (2 syns)
Sunday: Chicken, roast potatoes, swede, cabbage, parsnips, stuffing (3 syns)
Monday: Bacon cheeseburger with wedges and salad (HEXb + HEXa + 2 syns)
Tuesday: Courgetti spaghetti bolognese with 30g cheddar (1 syn + HEXa)
Wednesday: Lamb curry, basmati rice, cucumber salad (2 syns)

So today now looks like:

1 x Chewy Delight Bar (HEXb)
Cheese, leek and ham batchelor's pasta with added leeks (1.5 syns? + milk from HEXa)
Spicy pork steaks, savoury rice, salad (2 syns for marinade)
Cup of tea (with left over milk from HEXa)
Options hot chocolate (2 syns)

Syns: 5.5 :cool:

I also weighed myself... :eek: 13st 10lbs! Gah! It actually wasn't quite as bad as I thought it'd be lol, so never mind. Hopefully it's the last time I'll be seeing that number on the scales! x
Quick plan for tomorrow!

Bacon, mushroom and cheese toastie (HEXa + HEXb)
Chicken, roast potatoes, swede, cabbage, parsnips, stuffing (3 syns)
Muller light
Options hot chocolate (2 syns)

Total syns: 5 :cool:

E x
Think I'm a little bit in love with roast dinners! :D

Today's foodage:

Bacon, mushroom & cheese toastie with wholemeal sandwich thin & 30g cheddar (HEXab)
Roast chicken, roast potatoes (1), parsnips, cabbage, leeks, swede, carrots, stuffing (2), gravy (3), cranberry sauce (1) (7 syns)
Options hot chocolate with a splash of milk (3 syns)

Total syns: 10

My roast dinner was so yum! When I lived at home my mum was allergic to swede, leeks and parsnips (madness!), so I always avoided them. Love being able to have them with my meals again now though. I've got loads left over so I shall bubble and squeak tomorrow! :cool:

Tomorrow's foodage:

Chewy delight bar (HEXb)
Bubble and squeak with left over roast chicken (2 syns)
Courgetti spaghetti bolognese with 30g cheddar (1 syn + HEXa)

Total syns: 3

I don't really have much else I can use my syns on tomorrow, so may sneak an options in there depending on how I feel tomorrow.

Hope everyone's had a good weekend!x
Hiya, you're food is sounding lovely. I love toasties, how are you doing them, under the grill?
Thank Stef. :) Really enjoying the food side of this so far. Yeah I just toast the bread first and then add 15g of cheese to each piece and grill 'til melted. How are you getting on?

I forgot to have my hot chocolate last night, so ended the day on 7 syns which I'm happy with. On track for today, will update properly later!

E x
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I'll have to give that a try. I'm just making a slow cooker full of broth for my lunches this week. I always seem to lose well in weeks I have it.
I'm doing pretty well thanks. Still not doing it 100% but between (almost) dry January, gym 4 times a week & mainly sensible food I've lost 7lb in 2 weeks! So well chuffed :D
That's amazing! Well done. :) I'd imagine going to the gym four times a week is amazing for your health and fitness too!

Today's foodage:

Chewy delight bar (HEXb)
Muller light
Bubble and squeak with left over roast chicken (2 syns)
Courgetti spaghetti bolognese with 30g cheddar (1 syn + HEXa)
Options hot chocolate (3)

Total syns: 6

I really struggle with pasta. I know it's a free food but I can eat such insane amounts of it, and I always over estimate the amount I'll need! If I lose anything this week I'll be impressed. I feel like a blimp. :rolleyes:

Tomorow's foodage:

Muller light
Deli box noodles with chicken and courgette (2 syns)
Cheeseburger, chips & salad (HEXab + 3 syns)

Total syns: 5

E x
Well, my lunch was pretty awful haha. I really didn't like the BBQ beef deli box noodles! I shan't be having those again. :oops: On the plus size, I had the beef ones instead of chicken, so I think the syn value is 1.5 syns! Woop.

I've also decided against burgers tonight. I've got a lot of veggies in so I'm thinking of doing something more shepherd's pie like to get some extra superfree. So today is now looking more like this:

Today's foodage:

Chewy delight bar (HEXb)
Muller light
Deli box noodles with chicken and courgette (1.5 syns)
Shepherd's pie with broccoli and veg (2 syns)

Total syns: 3.5

Going to try and do some actual exercise today. Wish me luck!

E x
Aw shame about your lunch I hate it when that happens. I got home and my broth had dried out a bit in the slow cooker. I've added more water but it doesn't look as good as last weeks :(
Good luck with the exercise :whacky068: & enjoy your shepherds pie :)
Aw no, hope it still tasted okay! I've had that happen a few times, normally whilst I'm waiting for something else to cook! I didn't actually end up doing any exercise :oops: but I have made the decision to invest in a treadmill as soon as I've got some money! Going to try and force myself to go for a walk later so we'll see how that goes lol.

My dinner last night was actually quite yummy! And verrry filling. I also had my HEXa left over, so made a super luxurious hot chocolate with cocoa powder and agave nectar for an extra 2 syns! Definitely going to have one again tonight!

Today's foodage:

Chewy delight bar (HEXb)
Left over mince, carrots and new potatoes (1 syn)
Lamb and vegetable curry with basmati rice (2 syns)
Muller light
250mls semi skimmed milk with 1tsp cocoa powder and 1tsp agave nectar (HEXa + 2 syns)

Total syns: 5

E x
Just finished off my dinner! It was awesome. I was a bit worried as sometimes SW curries can be a bit runny or powdery but this was lush! I added a tbps of mango chutney which added an extra 2 syns to the curry, so my total syns for today are now 7, but that's all good!

I've been watching some really inspiring videos on Youtube, and really trying to focus on why I'm doing this and how I can stay on it for as long as possible. I think before when I've done SW I was a bit overly hard on myself. I pretty much completely avoided chocolate or using syns unless necessary, and felt really guilty if I was "too full". This time round I'm going to completely chill about it. I'm going to use my syns, I'm going to eat whenever I'm hungry, and I'm going to make this a full blown lifestyle change. :cool:

I'm stilling maintaining that this time round my goals will be non-weight related, and more focused on sticking to plan for as long as possible. Liam has promised that if I stick to SW for 6 months he'll take me to Barcelona for a spa weekend haha. It just so happens that my birthday is roughly 6 months away, so double the motivation!

Also, I'm aware that the title of this says 'including food pics' haha. So here's a photo of my dinner! No cucumber salad but lots of superfree hidden in there. :D

Hope everyone has had a good day!

E x


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That looks yummy! Looks like your head is in a great place at the moment. I'm feeling motivated too. Trouble is I tend to have a few weeks of motivation and great food choices, then a week where it all goes to pot. I suppose even if that is how my brain works, providing the 3 weeks on plan I get good losses, this can't be outdone by one bad (ish) week. My bad weeks aren't as bad as they used to be anymore though!
Thanks, I completely know what you mean and sometimes I worry that this will be temporary, but you're right. Two steps forward, one step back, is still going to get us to target eventually. :)

E x
I'm starting to run out of food! Going to have to do the best with what I've got today.

Today's foodage:

Chocolate weetabix with 150mls milk (hexa + 1 syn for agave nectar and 1 syn for cocoa powder)
Batchelor's cheese, leek and ham pasta with bacon and mushrooms (100mls of HEXa plus 2 syns)
Peri peri chicken and savoury rice with broccoli (3 syns)

Total syns: 7

I have no fruit or anything in the house, and hardly any veggies! I'm going to try and pop down the shop later but until then, this is today's plan.

E x
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I managed to get to the shop! Feel a bit better now I've had some actual superfree. My day has ended up a bit more like this:

Chocolate weetabix with 150mls milk (hexa + 1 syn for agave nectar and 1 syn for cocoa powder)
Batchelor's cheese, leek and ham pasta with bacon and mushrooms (100mls of HEXa plus 2 syns)
Spicy chinese chicken, and jasmine rice with broccoli and cauliflower (2 syns)
Muller light with frozen banana

Total syns: 6

I'm going back home tomorrow for the day/night, but it should be quite easy to stick to plan as I'll be eating at my mum's hopefully and she's SW'ing too! I actually can't wait for weigh in. Even if I haven't lost anything, this is the longest I've stuck to a diet for some time (sad I know!) so I just want to get the first week out of the way so I can rock on with the second. I've got an epic food shop planned to come on Saturday morning, so here are the current meal choices for next week. :cool:

Next week's meals:

Philadelphia stuffed chicken wrapped in parma ham, crushed new potatoes and veg (2 syns + HEXa)
Sweet and sour chicken with jasmine rice (1 syn)
Cheeseburger with sweet potato fries (HEXa+b+2 syns)
Minted lamb shank, new potatoes and cabbage (2 syns)
Chicken, bacon and leek pasta bake (HEXa)
Spicy chicken sausage risotto (2 syns)
Orange gammon, mash potato, veg and white sauce (HEXa + 4 syns)

I've also ordered plenty of berries, lots of low syn treats and some exciting new foods to try. I wish I could bottle how I feel now and just bring it out whenever I start to slip haha. I really think this year could be the year! :oops:

Hope you're all doing good!

E x
Forgot to add a photo! Not the best looking meal but was tasty all the same. :)

E x


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Hey I have read your whole thread, glad to see your determination after what you have been through (it's not easy been there twice myself) your food sounds fab an your pic of your curry had me drooling. When's your weigh in?
Thanks Sexyshell135, it's been tough at times but we're feeling very hopeful about the future. :) I'm weighing in on Saturday morning, counting down the hours now lol.

I love a good curry! I just had a flick through my old posts on here and I forgot some of the old recipes I used to love. Definitely going to try and recreate some of them in the next few weeks! x