Found this on another post:
Just been digging around on this. According to the subway nutritional information a six inch nine grain wheat bread comes in at 78grams and 5.2g of that is fibre, 1.5g fat and 198 calories.
Generic wholemeal bread would be, for the same 78grams: 168 calories, 2grams of fat, 4.6g of fibre.
The subway six inch roll has 1.5 syns more than regular wholemeal bread, but overall it would fit the fibre criteria necessary for healthy extra (apart from size, healthy extra 60g).
1.5 syns for the extra calories, 2 syns for the larger size. 3.5 syns + healthy extra for the bread part of a six inch subway roll...
It's all too complicated for Slimming World to approve though.