Thanks everyone for all your posts.
Back now! Feel soo much better. Was sick yesterday morning but had a birthday meal for my nan last night (hence the picture change lol) and was ok after that.
Your new picture is lovely!
Back to work tomorrow and although i'm dreading getting up (my routine of getting up at 6.30 went out the window straight away and i now get up at like 9!) Plus i cant fall asleep til about 12 now! Argh!
What was i saying, oh yes, lol, although i'm dreading getting up, i'll be glad to get back into a routine and stuff.
I made a mammoth WW folder, which i have organised into my own little WW at home scheme. It has everything i need to keep on track (minus the food and willpower LOL).
I wish i was that organised - you sound like you have it all on track and sorted. Hows it all going anyway? ive only just joined class again.
I'm doing a re-start from tomorrow. New start, fresh year, no gains!!!! Gonna scrap my tickers and get new ones, i am so totally determined to shift this weight!
Dont blame you, new year new start - we all do it chick, we will not be fat before summer - nice small tops and tight trousers!!!
And i'm so excited to move into my new house at the end of the month! Have brought a few things for it and i am SOOOOOO excited xxxx