After two weeks of feeling ill and sorry for myself I am back to work tomorrow! Yehaaa and cruise commences once again. Goodbye consolidation phase, its been a blast, I shall see you again soon. In order to celebrate this I have eaten a full chicken from Morrisons

was proper yum yum!
Well yesterday I had a really good night, I had a date at an army barracks. Strange place to go on a first date but still pretty cool lol. When I pulled up at the gate I panicked because there was soilders there holding guns and guns terrify me. Then they asked why I was there I was so panicked! hah. But then I saw my date running to the gate and felt more relaxed, I knew they wouldnt shoot me!
Anyway, I met me soilder and he took me round the barracks, I have to say the army assault course looks impossible. He said he could do it in 3 minutes! I tell you I wouldnt even be able to get up the damn net in 20 minutes never mind do the whole thing in three. I also told him I wanted to tone up my arms and he said he will help me with a fitness programme, this coming from a man who runs three miles carrying 55lbs in his backpack, no thank you! I reckon ill be able to do the assault course one day though (well I can dream at least haha)
But anyway it went well and I am seeing him again on Friday which is cool. Now I just need to figure out whether I can actually cope with seeing someone in the army. Im a bit of a worrier so, I dunno how I would feel if he was deployed. Apparently he is staying put for the next three years but you never know do you. I will have to have a think about it.
So, I think thats all I have to update you on. Until next time... xx