Emma's Journey from Fat and Frumpy to Fit and Fabulous!

Really hope this person turns up nothing worse than that feeling of not knowing.

You should hopefully hear soon about your interview it they will be having them next week!

I'm having a quiet weekend too, spent way too much money last week!

Thanks - still hasn't been found though :( Police spotted him on CCTV around 1.30am walking through Gateshead so it seems he tried to walk home, and for whatever reason didn't make it home. I'm trying not to think about it too much though.

Another good day food-wise. I'm so glad it's the weekend, I've been so tired this week.

B: overnight oats: 35g porridge oats (HE B), fat free cherry yoghurt, strawberries and grapes
L: ham salad with lettuce, tomato, cucumber and carrot sticks (all free)
T: not sure yet, probably bacon and eggs with spaghetti hoops (all free) and probably some cheese for my HE A
Snacks: I've had a benefit bar (3 syns) and a packet of Asda's own cheesy curls (cheapo Quavers, 4.5 syns)

I'm really drained so I'm seriously considering having a nap. It's been a long and stressful week, I could sleep all weekend!
Today I made pizza from scratch for the very first time. I used bread flour and a sachet of yeast and made the dough all by myself. I'm really proud because I've never been much of a cook, but I'm learning. I topped it with sweetcorn, red pepper, and tomato, and used 80g of mozzarella (HE A for today and tomorrow). It's 5.5 syns per 1/4 so I only had half today with a side salad, and I'll have half tomorrow. I'm amazed that I can eat pizza and stick within my syns. It was tricky to roll out the dough, so it wasn't a perfect circle, but not bad for a first attempt. And it was delicious! So much better than shop-bought or takeaway pizzas. And I was stuffed from just half of it with some salad! Can't wait to have the leftovers for lunch tomorrow :)


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I've spent most of this weekend chilling out and watching season 16 of the Biggest Loser USA. I'm almost ashamed to admit that I'm onto episode 13 and I only started it yesterday, but it's so addictive. This season is for former athletes who have gained weight after their sporting careers ended.

I'm so inspired by those people. I want to live an active life. I've been snorkelling on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and I've skydived in Queenstown, New Zealand. I've even been to Las Vegas, Hollywood, San Fransisco and Hawaii. But every holiday I've been on, I've been too overweight to enjoy it properly. I remember when I was in New Zealand last summer, the weight limit for the skydive was 100kg. They weighed me and I was 99.6kg. I would have been absolutely heartbroken if I was too heavy to do it, but I was still mortified to be just under the weight limit. The weight limit is there for a reason, and it was pretty uncomfortable, being strapped into the harness at that weight.

I want to go back to all of those places when I reach my goal. My boyfriend and I have decided we want to go to the Caribbean on our honeymoon. I want to go back to New Zealand and Hawaii. I want us to go on camping holidays and take our bikes to go cycling and do all sorts of fun activities. I want to be an active person. But all I seem to do is talk about it.

I used to play roller derby. I wasn't very good at it, but I worked hard and it had a massive impact on my weight loss. I had to stop playing when I moved away, the time constraints of my new job meant that I just didn't find the time to start playing again. I'm not sure if I'll go back to derby, I don't want to risk getting injured, but I want to find something new to keep me active. I love swimming, and cycling, but I haven't owned a bike in years and I haven't been swimming in nearly a year. I have to stop using work as an excuse. I have to find time to do these things.

I'm already noticing a change in my fitness levels just from the last three weeks on the SW plan. My room is on the top floor, so I have two flights of stairs to go down to get to the kitchen and the front door, and three flights to get to the basement for the utility room. Whenever I used to do laundry, I was so out of breath from walking up three flights of stairs. Now I'm finding it much easier. But I still have a long way to go.

I know the SW plan says that you don't need to exercise to lose weight, you can do it just with diet alone, but obviously exercise is an extra boost. I don't want to just lose weight, I want to be physically fit and healthy too. This week is going to be very stressful, I've already got one job interview on Tuesday, and I'm hoping to hear tomorrow about a job interview later in the week, and I'm going back to my parents house for the weekend on Friday, so I'm having to travel back and forwards to Newcastle possibly up to three times in one week. I need to focus on these job interviews, so exercise is on the back burner for this week. But hopefully by the end of the week I'll know if I've got a new job back at home, and then I can start making plans.
I don't think exercise is fun, sometimes I really force myself to go to the gym. But I do think that there is a kind of motivation / sense of accomplishment when you see yourself doing things that you wouldn't even imagine before.
In my case, I'm getting a bit addicted to challenge myself on jogging. I've done the Couch to 5k recently and I'm now able to jog for 30 minutes :D
Sometimes I increase the speed a bit, sometimes I try to do a bit more. It's always nice to see that I can. I was a morbid obese for a long long time, from my early-childhood until a couple of months ago, and would never imagine myself jogging.

As you can see, I'm not as adventurous as you, but I understand your feelings!
I don't think exercise is fun, sometimes I really force myself to go to the gym. But I do think that there is a kind of motivation / sense of accomplishment when you see yourself doing things that you wouldn't even imagine before.
In my case, I'm getting a bit addicted to challenge myself on jogging. I've done the Couch to 5k recently and I'm now able to jog for 30 minutes :D
Sometimes I increase the speed a bit, sometimes I try to do a bit more. It's always nice to see that I can. I was a morbid obese for a long long time, from my early-childhood until a couple of months ago, and would never imagine myself jogging.

As you can see, I'm not as adventurous as you, but I understand your feelings!

Thank you for your kind words. I've wanted to take up jogging for a long time. I got as far as downloading the C25K app onto my phone and buying new trainers, but then I never made it out the front door. I'm lucky in a sense that my boyfriend likes cycling, he did the coast to coast cycle last year, and he goes to the gym and is a roller derby referee, so I know when I move in with him, I will be more active. But I also know I shouldn't have to rely on somebody else to push me.

Everything is just so up in the air at the moment. I'm struggling being away from my boyfriend and my family. I haven't had time to go out and make new friends here in Leeds. I go to work, I come home and continue working at home, and then I go to bed. And repeat. It's not a good way to live right now. I'm just trying to keep myself busy until I know what I'm doing in September. I have two weeks left of this half term, then a week off. After that there's just 7 weeks left until the summer holidays. Hopefully I'll be moving back home and then my life can finally begin. I feel like everything is on hold until I'm able to move back home.

The next few weeks are going to be very stressful. I just hope I can stick to the plan and stay positive, then I know everything will work out the way it's supposed to.
Hello Emma,
also an Emma here, also 5'8, Im not sure what your current weight is but I think we are similar I started on Monday at 17st 2lbs :( literally cried getting weighed as every time I lose any weight my first weigh in I cry that its more than it was lol. So hopefully this time I can do it and stick to it.
Im SOOOOOOOOOOO impressed with you losing half a stone in 2 weeks, this gives me huge hope! I also cant believe your managing in a shared house. well done!!

I live in Darlington, went to uni at Northumbria and have just got back from leeds weekend just gone :)

I know I need to do some exercise as I don't do any!!! My Bf is ridiculously fit and does loads of stuff he always asks if I want to come and I say no cos im conscious of how unfit I am so again im mega impressed that youll do stuff with him.

I don't know if youre interested but the Wholemeal thins are a HEB now so you can cut in half and make mini pizzas with them so no syns. I used the warbutons square wraps too as these are huge and I think 8 syns, I just top with passata and my favourite thing on is rocket and smoked salmon.

im going to try to make the oak cookies for breakfast, I don't know if these would be any good for you for your breakfast on way to work for when your in a rush or as a snack?

Sorry to ramble but in short I think youre doing amazing!