Emma's 'New Me' Diary

I just love going into the cupboard and counting how many more shakes till next weigh in! Crazy lol

Had a fantastic night last night. Went on a date with a guy I met on facebook (friend of a friend) and he's just gorgeous! After only just getting rid of the last lol!
Just going to take it easy though and see where it goes.

Feeling really happy and looking forward to FRIDAY! woopie! :D:D

Emma x
Feeling great this morning. I took the children to school and was stopped three times by mums commenting on how well I look!


I can feel and see the difference already. My face looks slimmer, my stomach looks flatter and no longer juts out from under my bust. But most noticeably for me, my love handles are disappearing!!!

Just noticed that the dress I want for my friends wedding is in the sale so I'm off to try it on. Gonna take my 'Bridget Jones knickers' with me and see how it looks.

Emma x
I really love your diary Emma, you are doing so well :party0019:

It would be great to see a picture of your new dress. I'm sure you will look stunning in it :)

ames xXx
Well done Emma ,I bet you are feeling great with lots of positive comments and you clothes getting smaller.Great news that the dress you want is reduced I just love bargains.
Good Luck with this weeks weigh in.
Hi Emma you are doing really well! Well done for dumping your un-supportive boyfriend Ive done the same he really changed when i started LT I think he wanted me to fail to make him feel more secure which is so selfish any way Ive decided to wait till Ive finished my journey on LT before dating again saves explaining the no food no alcohol thing over and over lol keep up the good work
Hi Emma
How did you get on today with your weigh in I hope it was a good one.
Take care
Week 4 Weigh in

Lost 3lbs this week, lowest loss so far, was hoping to get the stone and a half, but still really pleased. Thats 20lbs in 4 weeks!
:banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer::banana dancer:

Also another 2 bags of sugar! 9kgs

Heres a pic of the sugar and my new dress that I will be wearing for my friends wedding in two weeks.
Also managed to get back into my size 16 jeans!!! woo hoo!

Thanks for everybody's support on here. I appreciate it sooooooo much.
Emma x


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Well done Emma.
You are doing really well.Keep it up .
I love the dress.Seeing all the sugar piled up like that is a great incentive seeing and feeling how much weight you have lost so far.
Take care
post more often i love reading your diary.(usually its the other way round) but im so happy 4 your loss's. im contemplating stayin on for another week.my bests friendspartyis nextsattho and i wanna have a drink but im not surewatiwant so im gonna wait until thursday to decide xxxxxx
post more often i love reading your diary.(usually its the other way round) but im so happy 4 your loss's. im contemplating stayin on for another week.my bests friendspartyis nextsattho and i wanna have a drink but im not surewatiwant so im gonna wait until thursday to decide xxxxxx

If you really want to lose the weight stick with it. You've done so well in your first week and it would be a shame to goto the effort. If you chage your mind and come off you will have to refeed or run the risk of putting the weight back on, also it is very dangerous to drink alcohol on this diet.
You can goto your friends party and still have fun without drinking. I know its not the same, but just think how proud you will feel. In order to lose the weight we are going to have to make a few sacrifices, but it will be worth it in the long run.

Well i'm still going strong, second nature to me know. Got some of those Nuphar Breath strips to deal with the death breath. I'm paranoid about it with my new bf!

Going to dig out my size 16's from the garage in a mo, but just sat down as i've been ironing and washing for the past two days!

Kids break up next wed and hav'nt a clue what i'm going to do to keep them occupied! Ah well, theyre very excited.
Jamie has a European coffee morning, where there are going to be tasters of food from different countries on Monday. I'm going because he wants me too, but have told him I won't be eating anything which he understands. Theyre all used to me not eating now.

Should get my 1 1/2 st on friday and hopefully will have lost 10% of my original body weight. Its time of the month, yuk, so hoping my loss isn't too small.

Bye fo now Emma x
ah im the same i avoid talkin directly into anyones face or near that area. the OH is getting p'd off cause everymorning i run t the toilet and brush my teeth b4 i even talk to him haha, my older sis has 4 and the idea's she comes up with are class. treasure hunt for the goodies and there hard t find!lol prises for colouring and the park.

is your new man a hottie?? how long you guys dating xxxxxxx
Yes, my new man is a hottie!!! Its only been a week together, but I have a lovely feeling about him. Think he's 'the one' . Children are going to their dads after school today and I dont get them back till friday tea time. Were off to the cinema to see Inception tonight, looking forward to it. He gives me butterflies!!!

Changing the subject here - Started on the dulcoease which seems to be getting everything moving!!!! So wondering if that'll make a difference with my weigh in.

Feeling good, definately seeing a difference in my body shape. Compliments still coming from mums at school. Can't wait to see how much I can lose by sept term!!! Hopefully a big difference in my appearance.

Will be back on here friday to let you all know how I got on with my fifth weigh in. Can't believe its almost 5 weeks done, hope the other weeks go quick soon.

Love the ideas of colouring comps in the park!!! ahhh 6 weeks summer hols!!!! lol

Emma x
Hi Emma

Glad to hear all is going well with your new man. Ur like me hoping for good results come september. I'm hoping to have most of my weight of by september. I will succeed!
well done emma

you are doing fantastic. Whats your secret?

My secret is i stuck to the CD 100%,,shhh dont tell anyone...lol, but really yes no cheating 100% and focused on little teeny weeny goals plus i told myself im dedicated the net 4-5 months to me and getting my body to how i would like it 6-7 years of binging compared to 12 weeks of detoxing and looking after myself i know which one i had to choose:) x x

I take it CD is the cambridge diet. I'm on lipotrim is there much of a difference?

i believe its the same kind of diet CD ( cambridge diet) is great i have 3 shakes a day and 3 litres of water been on it for 12 weeks now and this is the week i et my healthy food then jump straight back on to get rid of the few extra pounds! how does your Lipotrim work?x x
and how are you doing?
Week 5 Weigh in

Thanks girls for your kind comments.

Well i'm so pleased, stepped on the scales and they said i'd lost 4lbs this week!

Can't believe how fast its coming off! So that's 1st 10lbs in 5 weeks. Hopefully next week that will bring me into the 13's!! woo hoo!

Bought another bag of sugar for my collection. Treated myself to a lovely silver necklace to wear for the wedding next thursday! ooh can't wait.

Its beginning to feel very normal for me now drinking the shakes and the water. No longer craving any kind of food at all.

Looking forward to next week already!


Emma x
Well done Emma you are doing really well.