Week 5, Day 3
I hopped on the scale again this morning, couldn't resist myself! It's a bit tricky to weigh myself in my flat, because the floor is so uneven, so I have to hop on and off a few times in different places in the kitchen to get the most accurate reading. So annoying! But the first time I stood on, it said I was 17st 1lb, which is a loss of 3lbs. But then in other places in the kitchen it said 17st 4.8lbs. It said that in three or four different places, so I'm going to stick with that one. Which means I've only put on 0.1lb since Monday, as my Monday weigh in was 17st 4.7lb.
I'm quite surprised, considering all the sweets I've had lol. Fair enough, it's mostly Haribo and Chewits, so they're low in fat and calories, but high in sugar, but I need them to get me through the revision, and they're better than chocolate and crisps lol.
So I might actually lost 1lb by Monday, which will bring me to my first half stone goal!

Finally! I thought I was going to achieve it by week 3, but my weight loss has kinda slowed down the past two weeks. I'm not too upset about it though, cos I know this is going to be a very slow journey, and even 1lb off a week is better than gaining. But I was hoping to get 2lbs a week every week, so that I could reach my goal in 48 weeks, which is just short of a year. I was kinda hoping to reach my goal by my birthday next March, but I'm pretty flexible on when I get there, as this is a life long thing, so I'm in no hurry.
Also, a bit of advice please? I've set my goal weight to 10st 10lbs. This will give me a BMI of 22.8, which is in the middle of the healthy range. I've been thinking though, I'm not sure I'll ever get to that weight, as I don't want to have to worry about what I'm eating every single day for the rest of my life. I want to be able to enjoy food. I'd be happy to be a size 12-14, but I'm not sure what weight I'd have to get to, to fit into that size. I'm quite tall, 5' 8", and I'm carrying most of my weight on my stomach now (damn PCOS!). I used to be the perfect hour glass shape, even though I was quite a wide hour glass, I was still an hour glass lol. I used to have a pretty flat stomach, it's only been the last few years that the weight has all started piling on my stomach area.
I have a friend who is 5' 6" and she weight 11 and a half stone, and she looks fantastic. She carries her weight on her bum, but she loves it, and she looks really good. I'm 2" taller, so I'm thinking if I was 11 and a half stone, I'd still look good.
So, can anyone tell me, how much they weigh and what size clothes they wear, and where they carry most of their weight, i.e. your body shape? I know everyone is different, but I'm just trying to get an idea of what weight I should be aiming for.
Is anybody in a size 12-14, or can remember being a 12-14, and what weight they were then? Obviously, someone similar to my height would be ideal, but I'd appreciate any ideas! I just think 10st 10lbs may be a little too low for me. I'd be happy at the higher end of the normal BMI range. Any comments will be appreciated!