ok, gonna have a little moan (thats partly what this is for after all!!).
i need to exercise. im sooooo unfit its unbelievable, i get out of breath just walking up a few flights of stairs!!back in the UK i did go to the gym (every now and then!) but i also worked a lot, so if i wasnt doing spinning classes, i was running around non-stop at work for maybe 6/7 hours a day!!
here (Moscow) i cant really do that, the gyms are well expensive, and i cant go swimming because i would have to go to the doctors to get a note saying that im healthy and can use the pool (nothing is simple here!) i do do a lot of walking (to and from uni is about 20mins in total, to and from the supermarket is about 45mins all together, aswell as just general walking about) i know its not powerwalking, but im not exactly strolling either!! i have bought an exercise DVD and will get back into doing it in the mornings (gotten a bit slack with it lately!!)
i know it's not much exercise, but its some right?? and im feeling worse off!! my bellys bloated most of the time and its not a nice look or a nice feeling!!
i am going to be joining a gym again when im back in the UK, possibly when im home over the summer, but if not, definitely when im back in London for uni, i've found a local gym nearby which do lots of different classes every day!! Though if i could find something else that would help even just a little bit, it would be wonderful!!
sorry for the moan, now i feel better (a bit!) x